I am trying to get a clearer picture of what --enable-auth-logging does.

The configure --help tells me that:

"--enable-auth-logging=y|n   Turn on (y) or off (n, default) logging
authentication attempts, only valid for mysql and oracle"

but then how does that relate to:

"--enable-mysql-logging=y|n   Turn on (y) or off (n, default) logging
detailed authentication attempts, only valid for mysql"

Does that mean that auth-logging is also responsible for information that
ends up in the syslog?

Also the screen after my configure (the configure summary screen?) conflicts
with the configure --help. My summary screen says:

"auth logging = ON  --enable-auth-logging=y (default)"

which is obviously contradictory to the line at the beginning of my message
about what the --help contains.

The vpopmail version I am running 5.3.20. I know that it is out of date, but
it is installed in a production server cluster so I am not willing to play
"Russian roulette" with a new version.


Tom Walsh
Network Administrator

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