Sorry for the OT. But maybe you can help me elsewhere ;-)

This is an output of top. Maybe this help you (and me). Only the Mailsystem is running .

8:09pm up 5 days, 22:00, 0 users, load average: 0,00, 0,02, 0,00
52 processes: 51 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 0,2% user, 0,4% system, 0,0% nice, 99,4% idle
Mem: 514488K av, 474188K used, 40300K free, 0K shrd, 102196K buff
Swap: 498004K av, 15948K used, 482056K free 273092K cached

22044 spamd      8   0 19572  16M  3584 S     0,0  3,3   0:05 spamd
1765 mysql     13   5 18888 9988  1268 S N   0,0  1,9   0:10 mysqld
1784 mysql     12   5 18888 9988  1268 S N   0,0  1,9   0:15 mysqld
1785 mysql     13   5 18888 9988  1268 S N   0,0  1,9   0:00 mysqld
1786 mysql     13   5 18888 9988  1268 S N   0,0  1,9   0:00 mysqld
1787 mysql     13   5 18888 9988  1268 S N   0,0  1,9   0:00 mysqld
1788 mysql     13   5 18888 9988  1268 S N   0,0  1,9   0:00 mysqld
1789 mysql     13   5 18888 9988  1268 S N   0,0  1,9   0:00 mysqld
1790 mysql     13   5 18888 9988  1268 S N   0,0  1,9   1:28 mysqld
1791 mysql     13   5 18888 9988  1268 S N   0,0  1,9   0:00 mysqld
1792 mysql     13   5 18888 9988  1268 S N   0,0  1,9   0:03 mysqld
9106 www        9   0  8924 8924  3780 S     0,0  1,7   0:00 httpd

Justin Heesemann wrote:

threads ? or processes?

I think processes ?!

usually threads share memory, processes don't.
so 10 processes with 10mb ram each = 100mb
10 threads with 10mb ram = 10mb

but as vpopmail doesn't use threads, this is quite offtopic.

regards mandy

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