I'm trying to get maildrop and spamassassin up and running with vpopmail but am having some problems. Below is my server setup:

freebsd 4.8-release
maildrop-1.5.2 (installed from ports)
spamassassin-2.60 (installed from ports)
qmail-1.03_2 (installed from ports)

I am trying to get this working for a single vpopmail user before I turn it loose on the whole domain. In the directory /home/vpopmail/domains/debaser.net/test I have created a .qmail file that contains:

|preline /usr/local/bin/maildrop /home/vpopmail/etc/mailfilter

The contents of /home/vpopmail/etc/mailfilter are:

USERNAME=`echo ${PWD##*/}`
USERHOST=`PWDTMP=${PWD%/*}; echo ${PWDTMP##*/}`


# run through SpamAssassin (if less than the specified size)
if ( $SIZE < 262144 )
    exception {
       xfilter "/usr/local/bin/spamc -f -u [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

if (/^X-Spam-Flag: *Yes/)
    # try to deliver to the spam folder
    exception {

# process user's rules
exception {
    include $VMAILDIR/.mailfilter

# if it falls through to here, just put it in their inbox

When I try to send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], I see this in /var/log/maillog:

Dec 12 22:30:27 gigantic qmail: 1071286227.908530 starting delivery 756: msg 321 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dec 12 22:30:27 gigantic qmail: 1071286227.908975 status: local 1/10 remote 0/120
Dec 12 22:30:27 gigantic maildrop[68428]: Unable to open mailbox.
Dec 12 22:30:27 gigantic qmail: 1071286227.927171 delivery 756: deferral:Unable_to_execute_/nonexistent/Unable_to_execute_/nonexistent/

I noticed that when you install maildrop from the ports collection, it defaults to running as root:mail. I tried installing maildrop with --enable-maildrop-uid=vpopmail --enable-maildrop-gid=vchkpw but that didn't seem to fix anything. I don't have spamd running as I would like to just call spamassassin directly for now.

Any ideas why maildrop is not working? I've looked thru the mailing list archives and google but no luck. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


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