
I have following experience ...
When the permmisions on the ~/Maildir/new is set to 0000, the following error message is written to the log file and mail message disapear
Jan 8 04:02:11 ttx02 qmail: 1073530931.162729 delivery 3254: success: link_REALLY_failed_/internet/mail/vpopmail/domains/ttx.sk/micho/Maildir/tmp/1073530931.9808.ttx02,S=2026_/internet/mail/vpopmail/domains/ttx.sk/micho/Maildir/new/1073530931.9808.ttx02,S=2026_errno_=_13/did_0+0+1/

I expected not success delivery, but defferlal delivery. Am I wrong?
Please, let me know your opinion.


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