On Feb 21, 2004, at 6:45 PM, John Hogenmiller wrote:
I'm looking with a qmail/vpopmail/no-mysql setup how to have messages going to a
specific address to be deleted instantly. I don't want to bounce, and I don't
want a catch-all deleted setup. Ie, [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> /dev/null.

I'm basically just looking for a pointer on how to do this. We have an account
on a customer's machine that needs this done. I don't have remote access to
the machine. Currently, I wrote a perl script to check the account through
pop3 and delete any messages found, running on a continuous basis. I want to
be able to go in, spend 2 minutes setting up the blackhole account (without a
hitch, as is often the case with computers ;), and leave a happy man. :}

Create .qmail-blackhole in the domain directory, with a single-line comment (#).

Note that if the address has a period in it (fred.smith), you'd create .qmail-fred:smith.

Tom Collins  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
QmailAdmin: http://qmailadmin.sf.net/  Vpopmail: http://vpopmail.sf.net/
Info on the Sniffter handheld Network Tester: http://sniffter.com/

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