On Mon, 5 Apr 2004, Ken Jones wrote:

> I'd like any comments or votes on how this version
> is using a POP3 type protocol.

Sounds good to me, this is getting exciting!

One little question...  What are you thinking of as far as encryption?
I'm sure there's going to be some people running the client on a box
seperate from the server.  You looking at adding ssl support, or are you
thinking of just letting something like stunnel handle that?



> I think it works pretty nicely. A single "." on a line by itself
> represents End of File when sending or receiving multiple
> lines of infomation.
> From the client side, responses come back from vpopmail as either:
> +OK
> or
> +OK
> line of text
> line of text
> .
> or
> -ERR XXX error message
> So the mod_user function would take it's
> options on additional lines, like:
> no_smtp
> quota 1234
> .
> And the server would reply back
> +OK
> or
> -ERR XXX error message
> Do you think the protocol is simple enough to make it easy to use?
> I'd like to complete the full list of commands and responses for
> a first version.
> Any votes on which way of specifying directories would be easier
> from the client program's point of view?
> a) full paths
> b) relative based on user or command
> Ken

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