I too would like to know the same information along those lines. Are the
quotas in qmail a way to control actual disk quotas on the file system,
meaning I'd have to have quota support in my kernel before I use this
feature, or is this just something ad-hoc that vpopmail has done at a
"higher level" than the file system quotas?

Chris Miller

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Koch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 10:55 AM
Subject: [vchkpw] domain quotas

Hi All:

I'm thinking about implementing domain quotas on a new mailserver with 
qmailadmin and courier IMAP. Are domain quotas working OK in the latest 
vpopmail release? What should we be aware of in implementing this feature> 
Any booby traps with clients and users? How does the notification process 
work? Are these hard quotas or soft quotas? Are they supported by 
qmailadmin and squirrelmail?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

Jeff Koch 

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