Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
On Monday 07 June 2004 02:22 pm, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:

As an ex-database admin, I wrote the many-domains=no option as
an optimization to the database schema to save disk space.

Consider hosting one domain with 1 million email accounts.
The pw_domain(64 char) field is redundant (only one domain). So
we would be wasting 64MB of space in the database. So instead
the table is named after the domain.

I was about to ask you this but you ran off before I could.. so I'll just post for discussion purposes.

Isn't this what the varchar field is for?

Yes it is, but the current database layout uses char fields. Still if you have one domain with 1 million accounts, you have at least 4MB of duplicated domain names, if the domain name is, better than the 64MB the current char field would use, but not as good as 0 bytes if the table is named for the domain and you don't store the domain name at all. It is interesting in theory, but there probably aren't many sites like this.

It does bring up an interesting question... would it be a good idea to change from char to varchar for all the fields? It should give a substantial reduction in database size, and I don't think it will be that much slower. Someone _should_ be able to do an alter table and find out if anything breaks...


p.s. It does bring up a real question - does anyone actually use separate tables for each domain anymore? It would be nice if we could remove the option some day. (It causes a number of four state ifdef structures that are kind of messy.)

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