On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, tonix (Antonio Nati) wrote:

> >For most vpopmail operations, it's not a big deal; an occasional login
> >failure or mail being deferred.  But on the chkusr side, a mysql burp
> >leads to rejected mail.
> Personally, I feel MySQL unsafe for such operations, and I'll switch to
> OpenLDAP before or later.

Yeah, I'd been away from mysql for quite some time, and I'd assumed the
reliability issues had been taken care of.  I'm going to have to take a
stab at PostgreSQL.  It's not as whiz-bang fast, but it's rock solid.  I
think replication is a reality there now as well.

> I'm really worried about MySQL reliability. When I used cdb I did not have
> a problem for years. Now the message "MysQL server is gone" terrifies me.

Heh.  Mine isn't gone, but it does seem to take a nap a few times a day.

> if you are willing to test, I'll send you a pre-release of chkuser 2.0, so
> your coworker may test new vpopmail vauth_open routines and new chkuser
> functionalities.

Sure.  I have to fast-track my upgrade from 5.3.30 to 5.4.whatever.  I was
hoping to have some more prep time.  Hopefully I can find some tips on
what's changed in the archives.



> Just I need one week to release a "fully working and tested" pre-release.
> Tonino
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>          [EMAIL PROTECTED]            Interazioni di Antonio Nati
>     http://www.interazioni.it      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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