
Thanks for the $5 :)  Actually the only place the domain shows up (in
/var/qmail/control) is in:


The locals file only has the FQDN of the mail server in it.  I'm wondering
if this could this be a currupted mysql table or something?  There are about
130 other domains on the server and everything else is working fine.  Any
other ideas?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeremy Kitchen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2004 12:56 AM
> Subject: Re: [vchkpw] domain weirdness
> On Saturday 07 August 2004 07:55 pm, Micah Abrams wrote:
> > Dear list:
> >
> > I have a strange problem that I am hoping one of you can help
> me with.  I
> > have had my qmail/vpop server running for a few years now and everything
> > has been running great.  I have created an account on one of the domains
> > called 'lists'.  It is a normal vpop user added with
> ~vpopmail/bin/vadduser
> > .  For some reason however every message sent to this account
> bounces back
> > with 'Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)'.  I have tried
> > deleting and re-adding the account but nothing seems to help.  In fact I
> > even deleted and readded the domain.  Everything else is
> running great.  It
> > is just this one domain that is giving me trouble.  Anyways any pointers
> > would be great.
> $5 says domain is in qmail's 'locals' file.
> -Jeremy
> --
> Jeremy Kitchen ++ Systems Administrator ++ Inter7 Internet
> Technologies, Inc.
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ++ ++ 866.528.3530 ++
> 847.492.0470 int'l
>         kitchen @ #qmail #gentoo on EFnet ++

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