hey all...

im running 2 smtp qmail/vpopmail w/mysql servers with a shared via nfs 
mail directory (for the domains tree) I am having issues in adding
additional domains

I use ~vpopmail/bin/vadddomain to add the domain on the primary box.
all qmail control files and the users files are all updated and the 
domain directory is created.

I can then add users etc... with no issues.

when I head over to the secondary box.. and do a vadddomain 
I receive the following error. 

 Error. Failed while attempting to add domain to auth backend
 Error: no auth connection

a vuserinfo of a user in the original domain from the secondary box 
makes no complaint at all

in addition the ENTIRE domain directory that I just added and all users...
is unlinked in the process... poof gone vanished... 
can someone explain the reasons for this?

im assuming at this time that the best work arround is a manual 
modification of the qmail control files and the users files
and then a qmailctl restart... however im curious as to why 
vadddomain would unlink a directory structure 
that was already in place...AND complain of no auth 
access the the db its been running off for the last month?
but in the next shell command give me full userinfo pulled from
the same database.

kenneth gf brown 

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