On Monday 18 October 2004 01:49 am, Andrea Riela wrote:
> Tom Collins wrote:
> > On Oct 17, 2004, at 3:54 PM, Andrea Riela wrote:
> >> Now the smtp auth with pass in PLAIN text works fine, in CRAM-MD5 not.
> >
> > Vpopmail 5.4.0 or later?
> 5.5.0
> > Do you have a clear password for that user in your vpasswd file or
> > database?  CRAM-MD5 only works if you have a cleartext password stored
> I think no. How could I convert my password in vpasswd file to clear text?

you can't, it's a one way hash.


Jeremy Kitchen ++ Systems Administrator ++ Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ++ www.inter7.com ++ 866.528.3530 ++ 815.776.9465 int'l
        kitchen @ #qmail #gentoo on EFnet ++ scriptkitchen.com/qmail
           GnuPG Key ID: 481BF7E2 ++ scriptkitchen.com/kitchen.asc

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