on 2/25/05 3:43 PM, Jason S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 16:47:36 -0500 (EST), Ron Dyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm currently upgrading my mail server and am installing simscan. Simscan
>> claims that there is an option to configure vpopmail with spamassassin
>> option:
>> --enable-spamassassin
>> (http://www.qmailwiki.org/Simscan/Guide)
>> The allows vpopmail user options so individual users can set their own
>> perferences.
>> I can't find this configure option anywhere, but would like to consider it.
>> Does anyone have any information on this?
> The document you reference tells you what you need to know as far as
> simscan is concerned. If you want more info about per-user config in
> spamassassin using sql, check here:
> http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/UsingSQL

Excuse the newbie questions, but I've been reading for two solid days now,
and I need to start asking some questions before I fall over dead...

Does the per-user config require that I switch my qmail+vpopmail
authorization from cdb to sql, or is this a separate issue?

How are you planning on making per-user options available to individual
users for editing?  I thought I had read something about using SqWebmail for
this but I can not find the message now and can find no other confirmation,
and the SqWebmail info does not seem to mention any support for spamassasin.

Looking forward to having this feature rolled into 5.4.


-Kurt Bigler

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