
At 10:59 07.03.05 -0500, you wrote:
>I've recently upgraded to vpopmail-5.4.9 and am having problems with
>authentication. Users are getting a error claiming the user or passwd is
>incorrect. Strangely, the error occurs only when logging in with IMAP like
>'SquirrelMail' or even qmailadmin not with pop like 'outlook'.
>After resetting the passwd (to the existing one) with ./vpasswd, the
>problem is temporarily resolved.
>I've looked at the 'UPGRADE' file and noticed a patch: qmail-smtpd-auth-0.4.2
>When I attempt to intall I get:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] netqmail-1.04]# ./install_auth.sh
>head: conf-qmail: No such file or directory
>./find-systype.sh: ./find-systype.sh: No such file or directory
>Installing qmail-smtpd AUTH 057 (Build 2005024212941) at Sat Mar  5
>12:28:54 EST 2005 <<<
>Targeting file TARGETS ...
>TARGETS not found !

You have to install the patch in the original qmail-1.03 directory. 
The installation script is missing those files mentioned above.


Dr. Erwin Hoffmann | FEHCom | http://www.fehcom.de/
Wiener Weg 8, 50858 Cologne | T: +49 221 484 4923 | F: ...24

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