> Courier IMAP provides neither POP nor SMTP services.  It provides IMAP
> services.  If you are asking for IMAP before POP (sounds kinda silly to

Augh... I mean "IMAP before SMTP", which actually doesn't sound as silly.


> me, but people have asked for it before), then yes, Courier IMAP can do
> this.
> Go to:
> http://www.inter7.com/vpopmail/FAQ.txt
> And check out item #34.
> Aran
>> Hi,
>> I have a question is smtp after POP feature supported in the newest
>> Courier Imap?
>> I have installed courier-imap-4.0.2 and courier-authlib-0.55 everythink
>> is OK but
>> the SMTP after POP feature is not working.
>> Is there any know issue or I am doing sometihing wrong?
>> I was looking into .c code courier-authlib-0.55 file: authvchkpw.c
>>         if ( (vpw->pw_flags & NO_RELAY)==0 && ((strcmp("pop3",
>> service)==0) || (strcmp("imap", service)==0)) ) {
>>                 /* Michael Bowe 13th August 2003
>>                  *
>>                  * There is a problem here because open_smtp_relay needs
>>                  * to get the user's ip from getenv("TCPREMOTEIP").
>>                  * If we run --with-authvchkpw --without-authdaemon,
>>                  * then this var is available.
>>                  * But if we run --with-authvchkpw --with-authdaemon,
>>                  * then TCPREMOTEIP is null
>>                  *
>>                  * If TCPREMOTEIP isnt available, then open_smtp_relay()
>>                  * will just return() back immediately.
>>                  */
>>                 open_smtp_relay();
>>         }
>> --
>> Best regards.
>> Juraj Hantak

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