On Wednesday 06 July 2005 08:36 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Please post the output of
> >
> >/var/qmail/bin/qmail-showctl
> Still haven't found a solution...
> Here's the output of /var/qmail/bin/qmail-showctl:
> locals:
> Messages for linux.koneg.de are delivered locally.
> Messages for koneg.de are delivered locally.
> Messages for gs-altneudorf.de are delivered locally.

> virtualdomains: (Default.) No virtual domains.

there are no virtualdomains, therefore, none of these domains are being 
handled by vpopmail.

if they are supposed to be handled by vpopmail, then remove the domains from 
the locals file, put them in the virtualdomains file like so:

and send qmail-send a HUP signal.

If they are not to be handled by vpopmail, please re-post your question, along 
with qmail-showctl output, to the qmail mailing list.


Jeremy Kitchen + kitchen @ #qmail #gentoo on EFnet IRC
kitchen <at> scriptkitchen <dot> com

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