On my opinion, you can be persecuted by law as "spammer" in the same
way your SPAM users are.


On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 06:58 -0500, Dave Richardson wrote:
> Why aren't you kicking those users off of your system?
> They must clearly be in violation of a policy of your system?
> Why make software fix an enforcement problem that you are clearly 
> responsible for?
> Sorry to be honest about it, but if you know who the problem users are, 
> remove them.
> Vpopmail/qmail shouldn't be used, in my opinion, to police this situation.
> Dave.
> Mustafa S,ims,ek wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > i use FreeBSD 6.0, Qmail and Vpopmail. my server has smtp auth and pop
> > before smtp.
> >
> > some users do spam on my server. i use spamguard for this people
> > block. it is very good but spammers foxy. They use fake from name and
> > spamguard block wrong address. For example :
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a real user and has smtp auth. He wrote from name
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] and spamguard block [EMAIL PROTECTED] so
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] has smtp auth already.
> >
> > i have some question about this situation
> >
> > 1. is it possible configure qmail blocking from names? Only
> > @myserver.com could send e-mails?
> > 2. this spammer use fake ip addresses so i can't detect real user. is
> > it possible to detect real user from logs?
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