On Sep 22, 2006, at 04:08:42  MST, Robin Bowes wrote:

Krzysiek Włodarczak wrote:
Juliano Souza - Tecnologia napisał(a):
How I can build an list [EMAIL PROTECTED] to send emails for everyone for

Try ezalm: http://www.ezmlm.org/

I've had the same issue. A client (ISP) wants to send mail to all users
in all domains hosted on a particular server.

Creating an ezmlm list for all users would be feasible, but would be
impossible to maintain as users are added/removed.

vpopbull will apparently do this (if you leave off the domain parameter
it apparently sends to all domains) *but* it doesn't recognise any
forwarding settings, i.e. it just drops the mail in the Maildir on the
filesystem without checking .qmail files.

Would it be possible to modify vpopbull so it uses std qmail delivery?




But vpopbull will spit out an entire list of users on the system, you can then lazy add them to an ezmlm list every so often (run it through cron) and then you'd be set. This solution was suggested on this mailing list before.

Bert JW Regeer

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