On 2006-12-18, at 0444, Christopher Chan wrote:
Darrel O'Pry wrote:
I'm currently considering replacing qmail in my mail systems.
I was wondering if anyone had tried vpopmail with postfix or exim and
what their experiences were.

Yeah, I use vpopmail with postfix. Love it. postfix user existence checks mean I don't have large queues.

funny, i've been doing the same thing using qmail (making sure recipient email addresses exist before accepting a RCPT command in the SMTP conversation) for over a year now.


| John M. Simpson - KG4ZOW - Programmer At Large |
| http://www.jms1.net/           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
| Mac OS X proves that it's easier to make UNIX  |
| pretty than it is to make Windows secure.      |

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