Joseph Oaks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Max Esquivel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>I recently installed the magicmail-smtpd drop in replacement for the  
>>standard qmail-smtpd, which adds a significant number of spam control  
>>possibilities.  Actually, spam traffic on my server, dropped to about  
>>half after the installation.  Nonetheless, after installing,  
>>qmailadmin created aliases dont work (I can create, modify and  
>>delete, but....) messages sent to an alias result in a "User does not  
>>exist" error and the message is bounced back.  The same problem  
>>exists with ezmlm lists.  I can create, modify, etc via qmailadmin,  
>>but messages sent to the lists get bounced back with the same "User  
>>does not exist" error.
>>Any ideas?
>>Max Esquivel

Guess I should mention that i had problems with the TMDA also so thats
why its there, same principle though...

>Max, I had the same issue, all I did was create a wrapper script, here it
>is, it could be made better by someone with more skills than I (which
>take much)
># $Header:
>2005/02/25 20:20:09 xu Exp $
>#ALIAS=`/opt/vpopmail-5.4.13/bin/valias $EMAIL | wc -l | grep "1"
>2>&1 ; echo $?`
>#USER=`/opt/vpopmail-5.4.13/bin/vuserinfo $EMAIL >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?
>grep "0" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?`
>#if [ $ALIAS -eq 0 ] || [ $USER -eq 0 ]; then
>#    exit 0
>#    exit 1
># Begin modification for TMDA
># Modified by Joseph Oaks
># Modifed on 7 June 2006
>DOMAIN=`echo "$1" | cut -d@ -f2`
>TMDA_ADDRESS=`echo "$1" | awk -F- -v DOMAIN=$DOMAIN '{print $1"@"DOMAIN}'`
>TMDA=`/opt/vpopmail-5.4.13/bin/vuserinfo $TMDA_ADDRESS >/dev/null 2>&1;
>$? | grep "0" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?`
># End TMDA modifications
>ALIAS=`/opt/vpopmail-5.4.13/bin/valias $EMAIL | wc -l | grep "1"
>2>&1 ; echo $?`
>USER=`/opt/vpopmail-5.4.13/bin/vuserinfo $EMAIL >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $? |
>grep "0" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?`
># Continue TMDA modification
>if [ $TMDA -eq 0 ] || [ $ALIAS -eq 0 ] || [ $USER -eq 0 ]; then
>  #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#
>  # Original text
>  #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#
>  # if [ $ALIAS -eq 0 ] || [ $USER -eq 0 ]; then
>  #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#
>  #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#
># End TMDA modifications
>    exit 0
>    exit 1
>You can see my modifications to the
>Of course you will have to modify your paths as I'm sure there not the
>as mine, but it helps...

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