On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 13:41:25 +0200, Alessio Cecchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm made many test before write this e-mail, but I think that when I
> maildrop support in vpopmail (--enable-maildrop) and I place 
> an /etc/maildroprc (like src/vpopmail-5.4.26/maildrop/maildroprc.v2) the 
> warning about "quota warn message" not working.
> I'm working in a test environment configured as follow:
> shupp.org's toaster
> vpopmail 5.4.26 build with this options:
> ./configure --enable-mysql-limits 
> --enable-auth-module=mysql 
> --enable-logging=v 
> --enable-maildrop
> /etc/maildroprc is this 
> but I also tried with others without success.
> When a mailbox reach 90% or more the message
> ~vpopmail/domains/.quotawarn.msg 
> is copied only if maildrop for these user is disable (vmoduser -x 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]), when maildrop support is enable the messagge is not
> to 
> the user mailbox.
> Yes, I delete the file "quotawarn" in the user Maildir every time.
> Can be easily corrected this problem?
> Maybe just enough to anticipate the process that check the quota, and
> the 
> file, and after running maildrop with maildroprc, but I do not know if
> making a wrong assumption.
> Thanks

>From README.quotas:


    If you use maildrop for filtering, compile it with maildirquota support
    if you want to use it with vpopmail 5.1.1 and above with quotas.

did you compile maildrop with maildirquota supporta?

Jukka Kurkela


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