On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Matt Brookings<m...@inter7.com> wrote:
> aledr wrote:
>> Good day!
>> I received warnings that these options are now unrecognized:
>>     --enable-vpopuser
>>     --enable-vpopgroup
> These should not be unrecognized.  I will look into this.
>>     --disable-mysql-limits
>>     --enable-sql-logging

Wasn't --enable-sql-logging replaced by --enable-auth-logging
configurable in backends?
And also can't find --disable-mysql-limits on backends/mysql/configure
or backends/mysql/configure.ac

> These would be backend module flags, and so should not be recognized
> by the vpopmail configure script.
>>     --disable-root-check
> Correct.  This check is no longer done, but yes, I see that configure.ac
> still references it.  I will remove this.
> Good call spotting these, but again, please send these issues to the 
> vchkpw@inter7.com
> list :)

Thanks for your work!
[ ]'s
Aledr - Alexandre
"OpenSource Solutions for SmallBusiness Problems"


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