I selected "Only moderators can post, all others bounce." But I get approval message again.

How can I correct this case. Can I correct this over command-line?

----- Original Message ----- From: Sérgio Rosa
To: vchkpw@inter7.com
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 12:26 AM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] about ezmlm


i think that's because you have the mailing list as moderated. You can have it only for moderators without being moderated.

you have this option selected:
Posting Messages
Anyone can post.
[ ] Only subscribers can post, all others bounce.
[ ] Only subscribers can post, all others go to moderators for approval.
[ ] Only moderators can post, all others bounce.
[X] Only moderators can post, all messages go to moderators for approval.

and what you want is this:
Posting Messages
Anyone can post.
[ ] Only subscribers can post, all others bounce.
[ ] Only subscribers can post, all others go to moderators for approval.
[X ] Only moderators can post, all others bounce.
[ ] Only moderators can post, all messages go to moderators for approval.

best regards,
sergio rosa

On Oct 15, 2009, at 10:16 PM, Bulend Kolay wrote:

I use vpopmail, ezmlm.

I have a mailinglist.  The mailinglist has about 100 mail addresses.
I wish the ezmlm to reject sending a mail from outside or subscribers of the list to the mailing-list except 5 mail addresses which are already subscribed to the list.
These 5 mails are private.

How can I do that ?

I did as below,
I login to the maillist in qmailadmin.
I select "Only moderators can post, all others bounce." in the posting messages.

I added those 5 mails to moderators.
The ezmlm rejects other subsribers send to the list, it is good but when I send a mail to the list as a private mail addres, first I get a warn mail to be approved from test-reject-1255640060.98780.fhmenegijoidlkkco...@test.com.
If I send approve the mail then I can send the mail to the mailinglist.

But I don't wish to get any warn message. Namely I want the private mail addreses can send any mail to the list without getting any warn message.
How can I do that?


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