On 11/30/2010 07:47 AM, Matt Brookings wrote:
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On 11/28/2010 04:10 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:
So is 5.5 considered stable?
If not, is there a stable version with which user quotas are working?

It's not considered production stable, but I consider it to be mostly
stable.  I run it in production in a few locations with no problems.
- --
     Matt Brookings<m...@inter7.com>        GnuPG Key FAE0672C
     Software developer                     Systems technician
     Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.     (815)776-9465

Thanks Matt, that's helpful.

Could I bother you for a recommendation? QMailToaster (QMT) is presently at 5.4.17, and has some problems with quotas. There are a couple ISP-type users who are very much interested in getting this fixed. I'm considering upgrading the vpopmail-toaster package for them, but am not sure whether to go with 5.4.32 or 5.5.x. I have been holding out for 5.5.x until now, but their need appears to be pretty urgent. Which version would you recommend?

FYI, QMT presently runs with the following configuration:
vpopmail directory = /home/vpopmail
               uid = 89
               gid = 89
     roaming users = OFF --disable-roaming-users (default)
 password learning = OFF --disable-learn-passwords (default)
     md5 passwords = ON  --enable-md5-passwords (default)
      file locking = ON  --enable-file-locking (default)
vdelivermail fsync = OFF --disable-file-sync (default)
     make seekable = ON  --enable-make-seekable (default)
      clear passwd = ON  --enable-clear-passwd (default)
 user dir hashing  = OFF --disable-users-big-dir
address extensions = ON  --enable-qmail-ext
          ip alias = OFF --disable-ip-alias-domains (default)
       auth module = mysql --enable-auth-module=mysql
 mysql replication = OFF --disable-mysql-replication (default)
       sql logging = OFF --disable-sql-logging (default)
      mysql limits = OFF --disable-mysql-limits (default)
      MySQL valias = ON  --enable-valias
          auth inc = -I/usr/include/mysql
          auth lib = -L/usr/lib64/mysql  -lmysqlclient -lz -lm
  system passwords = OFF --disable-passwd (default)
        pop syslog = log success and errors including passwords
      auth logging = ON  --enable-auth-logging (default)
one domain per SQL table     = --disable-many-domains

Thanks Matt.

-Eric 'shubes'


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