Thank you for your release.
We have setup the environment for your VCL 2.1 Virtual Applicance. How could
we know whether the VCL VM provision is OK? I didn't see any imformation
about how to load a VM to the Hypervisor and run it.


2009/4/9 Brian Bouterse <bmbou...@ncsu.edu>

> Some other folks in the community are specializing the bare metal installs
> through some form of integration with xcat  2.1.1.  To keep my sanity, I am
> specializing in virtualization only VCL deployments and functionality.  Who
> in the community is in charge of the bare metal integration moving forward?
> Best,
> Brian
> Brian Bouterse
> Secure Open Systems Initiative
> 919.698.8796
> On Apr 8, 2009, at 10:31 PM, 杨杰 wrote:
>  Hi,
>> Thank you for your greate help ! According to the email, this release does
>> not support the deployment to the bare metal images. Then how could i
>>  make
>> it ? Will you give some direction? Or is there any higher release version
>> recently ?
>> Thanks again !
>> 2009/4/9 Brian Bouterse <bmbou...@ncsu.edu>
>>  I've finished building the new version of the VCL VM appliance which is
>>> ready to deploy virtual machines onto ESX and ESX 3i hypervisors.  This
>>> VM
>>> does not contain xcat and cannot deploy bare metal images or
>>> vmware-server
>>> images.  The announcement is happening on this list because this VM
>>> appliance should lower the barrier to working with VCL within this
>>> community.  Just to be clear, this VM is not being released by Apache.
>>>  The
>>> major improvements include:
>>> The entire VM is only 3.1GB so it should be easy for folks to download
>>> The setup has been greatly simplified from the older and deprecated
>>> version
>>> hosted at the http://www.ibiblio.org/vclvm/ site
>>> The VM comes with the ESX/ESX 3i provisioning module pre-installed and
>>> ready to use
>>> To get started working with this VM, you will need:
>>> At least one ESX or ESX 3i hypervisor
>>> Some form of NFS storage which can also be SSH'd into.  A good example of
>>> this is a simple Linux box acting as an NFS server.
>>> The link to the instructions (which include a VM download link) are
>>> located
>>> below.  These instructions are on wiki ... if you use them, and find
>>> improvements, please update the documentation!
>>> https://wiki.oscr.ncsu.edu/wiki/index.php/The_VCL_2.1_Virtual_Appliance
>>> Best,
>>> Brian
>>> Brian Bouterse
>>> Secure Open Systems Initiative
>>> 919.698.8796
>> --
>> Yang Jie(杨杰)
>> Team of MRMSS, Xi'an Jiaotong University
>> Department of Computer Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University
>> TEL: +8613468883723;029-82665263 EXT.24
>> MSN: xtyangjie2...@yahoo.com.cn
>> E-mail: xtyang...@gmail.com

Best wishes,
MOE KLINNS Lab and SKLMS Lab, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University
TEL: 15991676983
E-mail: qiao...@gmail.com

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