Hello Roger,
The code you are running (version 2.1 and earlier) was actually written for Vista and does not support Sysprep. I attempted to add Vista Sysprep support when I wrote it and decided not to use it because Vista's Sysprep took an extremely long time to complete when an image was loaded.

Sysprep seems to have been updated for Windows 7 and does not take as long to run, although it's still quite a bit longer than XP. The code in the repository has been updated to use Sysprep for Vista, 7, and 2008. VCL 2.2 will include this.

Sorry for the confusion,

Roger Herling wrote:
Here is the vcld.log output for the image capture. Am I missing something obvious here to get it to sysprerp? When I create the image use sysprep is set to yes

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