> I don't know how the View Time Table plays into things, I've never looked at 
> that before, mine is currently blank.
> Unless I'm not understanding the setup, you have to have as many computers 
> defined as you want to have instances of your image running. For each 
> computer you define you assign a unique mac address. To make a reservation 
> for the image, there has to be an available computer for the reservation to 
> run on. If you want to have 10 concurrent reservations, you have to have 10 
> computers available.
> The image also must be assigned to an image group, and that image group has 
> to be mapped to a computer group which contains the computers the image can 
> run on. There is good explanation of this at the Documentation link on the 
> VCL home page.

Thanks. I've been trying to follow the documentation on the "Images
and Privileges" documentation.
The documentation did not mention about creation of each machine like
you described; now I understand that it's needed.

I added "vm-spawn-1"; with Mac address, etc.

Do you mean the following grouping, etc. I've got (I'm logged in as
user 'admin'):
1) "No Apps (Linux) - image.id=10" belongs to {allImages,allVMImages}
2) allImages belongs to {allComputers,newimages,newvmimages}
3) allVMImages belongs to {allComputers,newimages,newvmimages}
4) vmnode2.local (ESXi host) and vm-spawn-1 belong to
5) Attached are my Privileges screens.

Do I need to set currentimageid, preferredimageid or nextimageid,
imagerevisionid for vm-spawn-1 ?

I still can't get reservation on "No Apps (Linux)", when I select
"Now" it still says "Selection currently not available".


mysql> select * from computer;
| id | stateid | ownerid | platformid | scheduleid | currentimageid |
preferredimageid | nextimageid | imagerevisionid | RAM  | procnumber |
procspeed | network | hostname      | IPaddress     | privateIPaddress
| eth0macaddress    | eth1macaddress    | type           |
provisioningid | drivetype | deleted | notes | lastcheck | location |
dsa  | dsapub | rsa  | rsapub | host | hostpub | vmhostid | vmtypeid |
|  1 |      20 |       1 |          1 |          1 |              4 |
              0 |           0 |               0 | 4096 |          2 |
    3200 |     100 | vmnode2.local |  | NULL
| NULL              | NULL              | blade          |
 4 | hda       |       0 | NULL  | NULL      | NULL     | NULL | NULL
 | NULL | NULL   | NULL | NULL    |     NULL |     NULL |
|  2 |       2 |       1 |          1 |          1 |              4 |
              0 |           0 |               0 |  512 |          1 |
    1000 |     100 | vm-base10-v1  | | NULL
| NULL              | NULL              | virtualmachine |
 4 | hda       |       0 |       | NULL      | NULL     | NULL | NULL
 | NULL | NULL   | NULL | NULL    |        1 |     NULL |
|  3 |       2 |       1 |          1 |          1 |              4 |
              0 |           0 |               0 |  512 |          1 |
    1000 |     100 | vm-spawn-1    | | NULL
| 00:50:56:c0:00:08 | 00:50:56:c0:00:09 | virtualmachine |
 4 | hda       |       0 |       | NULL      | NULL     | NULL | NULL
 | NULL | NULL   | NULL | NULL    |        1 |     NULL |

mysql> select * from vmhost;
| id | computerid | vmlimit | vmprofileid | vmkernalnic | vmwaredisk  |
|  1 |          1 |       5 |           6 | NULL        | networkdisk |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

> Mike Waldron
> Systems Specialist
> ITS Research Computing
> University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
> CB #3420, ITS Manning, Rm 2509
> 919-962-9778
> -----Original Message-----
> From: My LinuxHAList [mailto:mylinuxhal...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 12:15 PM
> To: vcl-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Re: showTimeTable function
> Hi Mike, List,
> Apparently, my understanding is still a bit off.
> Since I've captured the image successfully "No Apps (Linux)", name:
> vmwarelinux-base10-v1, with the appropriate files copied over to
> $DATASTORE/golden/vmwarelinux-base10-v1/
> I'm thinking that I'll be able to spawn as many "instance" of the "No
> Apps (Linux)" as I configure the ESXi to handle.
> That was the idea behind capturing an image right ?  How would I be
> able to achieve that ?
> I create another computer called "vm-tospawn", populate the mac
> addresses field and assign it to my only ESXi host.
> Nothing shows up on the "View Time Table". What are the fields that
> say "vm-tospawn" is associated with the "No Apps (Linux)" image I
> captured ? If I populate the mac address fields, if I spawn 2 version
> of it, wouldn't I cause conflicts on the Mac address ?
> I still need some guidance on how to go from successful image capture
> to launch multiple of them on ESXi host.
> What am I missing ?
> Thanks
> On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Waldron, Michael H
> <mwald...@email.unc.edu> wrote:
>> The ESXi host won't directly run your image, you have to define virtual 
>> machines and assign them to the ESXi host, which will then spin these up to 
>> run the image.
>> Basic steps:
>> - Click Manage Computers, Edit Computer Information, Submit
>> - Add
>> - Fill in hostname, IP address, RAM, Proc Speed, Network Speed, select 
>> 'virtual machine' under Type, VMWare provisioning engine, and appropriate 
>> computer group.
>> - Assign mac addresses for public and private network interfaces of the 
>> virtual machine.
>> - Update the computer table in the database with this info for the virtual 
>> machine and assign the values to the fields eth0macaddress, eth1macaddress.
>> - Click Virtual Hosts
>> - Select your ESXi host
>> - Click Configure Host
>> - Select the virtual machine(s) in the Unassigned VMs column and click Add.
>> Hopefully I didn't leave out any steps.
>> Mike Waldron
>> Systems Specialist
>> ITS Research Computing
>> University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
>> CB #3420, ITS Manning, Rm 2509
>> 919-962-9778
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: My LinuxHAList [mailto:mylinuxhal...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 11:54 PM
>> To: vcl-u...@incubator.apache.org; vcl-dev@incubator.apache.org
>> Cc: My LinuxHAList
>> Subject: showTimeTable function
>> Hi,
>> I have a ESXi host (computer.id=1); I have an image [ No Apps(Linux) ]
>> which was successfully captured (I think).
>> I tried to make Reservation using the "now" button, it says "Selection
>> currently not available"; then I clicked the "View Time Table", no
>> computers show up.
>> The ESXi host is in vmhostinuse state (which is state.id=20) -- which
>> ESXi host needs to be in.
>> I'm assuming that my ESXi host is supposed to show up on I hit the
>> "View Time Table" if I intend it to be able to run "No Apps (Linux)".
>> Is this true ?
>> With ESXi host in the state of vmhostinuse, I don't think it will ever
>> show up, because the state.id=20.
>> Here are the code snippets:
>>                        if($computer_platformids[$id] != $platformid ||
>>                           ($computerData[$id]["stateid"] != 2 &&
>>                                $computerData[$id]["stateid"] != 3 &&
>>                                $computerData[$id]["stateid"] != 6 &&
>>                                $computerData[$id]["stateid"] != 8) ||
>>                           $computerData[$id]["ram"] <
>> $imageData[$imageid]["minram"] ||
>>                           $computerData[$id]["procnumber"] <
>> $imageData[$imageid]["minprocnumber"] ||
>>                           $computerData[$id]["procspeed"] <
>> $imageData[$imageid]["minprocspeed"] ||
>>                           $computerData[$id]["network"] <
>> $imageData[$imageid]["minnetwork"] ||
>>                           ! in_array($id, $mappedcomputers)) {
>>                                continue;
>>                        }
>> I could have completely misunderstood what "View Time Table" should show.
>> I'm expecting the time tables to show ESXi host(s) that are able to
>> run "No Apps (Linux)".
>> If I'm wrong, what is "View Time Table" designed to show ?
>> Thanks

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