Hi Andy,

Yes this is extremely helpful, thank you very much.
Usually the hardest part is to get started and this should be exactly what
I need. It might even be a good idea to put this short "guide" on the wiki
to help people out.

Best Regards,
Milen Paskov
WSTI Intern

From:   Andy Kurth <andy_ku...@ncsu.edu>
To:     vcl-dev@incubator.apache.org
Date:   01/06/2011 10:39 AM
Subject:        Re: AIX OS Module

The page should be pretty up to date.  Not much has changed regarding OS
modules for a while.

I'm not at all familiar with AIX but since it's in the Unix family some
of the code in Linux.pm should work.  I would start by creating a
Module/OS/Linux/AIX.pm file.  Configure it to inherit from Linux.pm.
See the UnixLab.pm file as an example.

Set the package path in AIX.pm:
package VCL::Module::OS::Linux::AIX;

Add an entry to the module table pointing to your new module with the
package path mentioned above.

Add an entry to the OS table pointing to the entry you add to the module

Add entries to the image and imagerevision table for a base AIX image,
with image.OSid pointing to the entry you add to the OS table.

Enter the computer information for a loaded AIX machine into VCL and
make sure that the management node can access this machine via SSH.

For my own development environment, I insert code I want to test at the
beginning of the process() subroutine in new.pm, followed by a call to
exit.  It looks like this:

sub process {
    my $self = shift;

    my $request_data = $self->data->get_request_data();
    my $imagerevision_id = $self->data->get_imagerevision_id();

print "\n\n---\n\n";

my $ip = $self->os->get_public_ip_address();
print "IP: $ip\n";

print "\n\n---\n\n";

To test things over and over again, I run a script which inserts entries
into the request and reservation tables with the request state and
laststate set to 'new'.  vcld picks up the reservation, configures
everything as it would for a normal reservation, calls
new.pm::process(), test code is executed, then the process exits.

Once this is set up, it should be pretty efficient to test all of the
subroutines in Linux.pm.  If any have problems under AIX, implement an
overridden subroutine in AIX.pm with the same name.

Hope this helps,

On 12/29/2010 2:13 PM, Milen P Paskov wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been working on creating an OS Module for AIX.
> As a starting point I am using the following documentation, is it up to
> date, and the Linux OS Module?
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/VCL/Operating+System+Module
> +Interface+Specification#OperatingSystemModuleInterfaceSpecification
> Is there anything else that needs to be taken into consideration? I
> appreciate all the help and tips that I can get.
> Best Regards,
> Milen Paskov
> WSTI Intern
> mppas...@us.ibm.com

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