I can get the OS.pm module change.

I also found a small change needed in the xCAT modules... nothing
critical but would be helpful.

Aaron P.

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:21 PM, Andy Kurth <andy_ku...@ncsu.edu> wrote:
> I agree.  I also found some issues with vSphere.pm connecting to
> vCenter 5 yesterday.  I would like to fix this for RC2.
> -Andy
> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:51 AM, Josh Thompson <josh_thomp...@ncsu.edu> 
> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Aaron,
>> You're not being a stick in the mud.  I think it's great that you tested it
>> well enough to find a few things that need to be corrected - that's the whole
>> point of having a community vote to do a release.  I definitely consider the
>> Shibboleth issue big enough to cut a new RC (even though that requires a new
>> vote).
>> All,
>> Aaron has some good points.  I think we should fix the issues he mentioned 
>> and
>> cut RC2 for 2.3.  This isn't an official vote process, but please share any
>> thoughts you have.
>> Josh
>> On Wednesday, May 30, 2012 9:41:12 PM Aaron Coburn wrote:
>>> -1
>>> Sorry to a stick in the mud, guys, since I'd certainly like to see 2.3
>>> released soon, but I encountered a few issues that I think should be fixed
>>> before cutting the release.
>>> I installed the release candidate using a fresh database, testing against a
>>> vCenter provisioning engine and Shibboleth authentication. I was using a
>>> 64-bit Windows 7 image.
>>> The first issue I encountered was that each time the management node calls
>>> 'get_file_contents', the contents of the target file are printed to the
>>> log. This is generally not an issue, but when a slice of the registry is
>>> retrieved, that amounted to ~30,000 lines in my logfile. And that happens
>>> each time an image is reloaded. (Somehow I hadn't noticed this with the
>>> code from about two weeks ago). I can certainly see the usefulness of this
>>> during development, but I don't like the fact that this is the default
>>> behavior for a release. For now, I would suggest modifying line 1789 of
>>> OS.pm:
>>> -    my ($exit_status, $output) = $self->execute($command);
>>> +    my ($exit_status, $output) = $self->execute($command, 0); # do not
>>> print the cmd output to the log
>>> Later, it could be nice to make this somewhat more configurable.
>>> Second, if the system is using Shibboleth it is not possible to handle users
>>> who have not previously logged in (i.e. adding someone to a group). There
>>> are two bugs preventing this from working properly. First, if someone
>>> enables ALLOWADDSHIBUSERS in conf.php but doesn't define a value in
>>> $addUserFuncArgs (I would anticipate this to be what most people using Shib
>>> would do, since there is no documentation about what that array is for),
>>> the initGlobals() function does not properly populate the addUserFuncArgs
>>> array. This can be fixed by adding $addUserFuncArgs to the list of 'global'
>>> values on line 68 in utils.php -- the current code is just modifying a
>>> local value, not the global one:
>>> -    global $affilValFunc, $addUserFunc, $updateUserFunc;
>>> +    global $affilValFunc, $addUserFunc, $updateUserFunc, $addUserFuncArgs;
>>> Once that change is made, though, there is also a SQL query expecting a
>>> 'validated' field in the users table. This field, however, does not exist.
>>> It is in neither update-vcl.sql nor in vcl.sql:
>>> vcl.sql, line 1079:
>>> +  `validated` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
>>> and update-vcl.sql, lines 827-
>>> + -- --------------------------------------------------------
>>> +
>>> + --
>>> + -- Table structure for table `user`
>>> + --
>>> +
>>> + CALL AddColumnIfNotExists('user', 'validated', "tinyint(1) unsigned NOT
>>> NULL default '1'"); +
>>> Once these two changes are made, however, I am able to add shib users
>>> exactly as the documentation suggests.
>>> Otherwise, everything else looks good.
>>> Aaron
>> - --
>> - -------------------------------
>> Josh Thompson
>> VCL Developer
>> North Carolina State University
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Aaron Peeler
Program Manager
Virtual Computing Lab
NC State University

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