The image capture problem is occurring when it checks to make sure the image doesn't already exist. It appears the the repository path in the VM profile is set to "/vmfs/volumes/datastore1". The failure is occurring because of this. Try clearing out the repository path in the VM profile. To retry the capture, set the stateid value to 16 in the request table for = 8.


On 2/8/2011 12:01 PM, Mauricio César Ramírez Torres wrote:
Good morning, realize the clearCache but there was no change, note that
when attempting to change the status of reservation team to "maintenance".

Also try creating a new image, but it makes mistakes, also add the
message that sends.

Thanks so much.

[root@vcl ~]# mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 960
Server version: 5.0.77 Source distribution

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> use vcl;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> select * from image;
| id | name | prettyname | ownerid | platformid | OSid | imagemetaid |
minram | minprocnumber | minprocspeed | minnetwork | maxconcurrent |
reloadtime | deleted | test | lastupdate | forcheckout | maxinitialtime
| project | size | architecture | description | usage | basedoffrevisionid |
| 4 | noimage | No Image | 1 | 1 | 2 | NULL | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | NULL | 0
| 0 | 0 | NULL | 0 | 0 | vcl | 1450 | x86 | NULL | NULL | 0 |
| 5 | vmwarewinxp-WindowsXPVacio5-v0 | Windows XP Vacio | 1 | 1 | 16 | 1
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NULL | 10 | 1 | 0 | 2011-02-01 16:10:37 | 1 | 0 | vcl
| 1450 | x86 | NULL | NULL | 4 |
| 6 | vmwarewinxp-OtroWin6-v0 | Otro Win | 1 | 1 | 16 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
100 | NULL | 10 | 1 | 0 | 2011-02-02 11:08:57 | 1 | 0 | vcl | 1450 | x86
| Windows Vacio | Ss | 4 |
| 7 | vmwarewinxp-Vamosporel3XP7-v0 | Vamos por el 3 XP | 1 | 1 | 16 | 3
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NULL | 10 | 1 | 0 | 2011-02-02 15:16:48 | 1 | 0 | vcl
| 1450 | x86 | NULL | NULL | 4 |
| 8 | vmwarewinxp-cuatroXP8-v0 | cuatroXP | 1 | 1 | 16 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | NULL | 10 | 1 | 0 | 2011-02-02 15:24:49 | 1 | 0 | vcl | 1450 | x86 |
NULL | NULL | 4 |
| 9 | vmwarewinxp-OtroXPmas9-v0 | Otro XP mas | 1 | 1 | 16 | 5 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 0 | NULL | 10 | 1 | 0 | 2011-02-03 17:12:43 | 1 | 0 | vcl | 1450 |
x86 | NULL | NULL | 4 |
| 10 | vmwarewinxp-UnXPno610-v0 | Un XP no 6 | 1 | 1 | 16 | 6 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 0 | NULL | 10 | 1 | 0 | 2011-02-03 17:20:56 | 1 | 0 | vcl | 1450 |
x86 | NULL | NULL | 4 |
| 11 | vmwarewinxp-WinXP611-v0 | WinXP6 | 1 | 1 | 16 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
| NULL | 10 | 0 | 0 | 2011-02-04 16:55:35 | 1 | 0 | vcl | 1450 | x86 |
NULL | NULL | 4 |
| 12 | vmwarewinxp-WinXPno712-v0 | WinXPno7 | 1 | 1 | 16 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0
| 0 | NULL | 10 | 1 | 0 | 2011-02-04 18:50:08 | 1 | 0 | vcl | 1450 | x86
| NULL | NULL | 4 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from imagerevision;
| id | imageid | revision | userid | datecreated | deleted | datedeleted
| production | comments | imagename |
| 4 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 1980-01-01 00:00:00 | 0 | NULL | 1 | NULL | noimage |
| 5 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 2011-02-01 16:10:37 | 1 | NULL | 1 | NULL |
vmwarewinxp-WindowsXPVacio5-v0 |
| 6 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 2011-02-02 11:08:57 | 1 | NULL | 1 | NULL |
vmwarewinxp-OtroWin6-v0 |
| 7 | 7 | 0 | 1 | 2011-02-02 15:16:48 | 1 | NULL | 1 | NULL |
vmwarewinxp-Vamosporel3XP7-v0 |
| 8 | 8 | 0 | 1 | 2011-02-02 15:24:49 | 1 | NULL | 1 | NULL |
vmwarewinxp-cuatroXP8-v0 |
| 9 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2011-02-03 17:12:43 | 1 | NULL | 1 | NULL |
vmwarewinxp-OtroXPmas9-v0 |
| 10 | 10 | 0 | 1 | 2011-02-03 17:20:56 | 1 | NULL | 1 | NULL |
vmwarewinxp-UnXPno610-v0 |
| 11 | 11 | 0 | 1 | 2011-02-04 16:55:35 | 1 | NULL | 1 | NULL |
vmwarewinxp-WinXP611-v0 |
| 12 | 12 | 0 | 1 | 2011-02-04 18:50:08 | 1 | NULL | 1 | NULL |
vmwarewinxp-WinXPno712-v0 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from resource;
| id | resourcetypeid | subid |
| 10 | 12 | 1 |
| 11 | 12 | 2 |
| 4 | 13 | 4 |
| 12 | 13 | 5 |
| 13 | 13 | 6 |
| 14 | 13 | 7 |
| 15 | 13 | 8 |
| 16 | 13 | 9 |
| 17 | 13 | 10 |
| 18 | 13 | 11 |
| 19 | 13 | 12 |
| 8 | 15 | 1 |
| 9 | 16 | 1 |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from resourcegroup;
| id | name | ownerusergroupid | resourcetypeid |
| 1 | allComputers | 3 | 12 |
| 2 | allImages | 3 | 13 |
| 3 | allManagementNodes | 3 | 16 |
| 4 | allSchedules | 3 | 15 |
| 5 | All VM Computers | 3 | 12 |
| 8 | newimages | 4 | 12 |
| 9 | newvmimages | 4 | 12 |
| 10 | allVMimages | 4 | 13 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from resourcegroupmembers;
| resourceid | resourcegroupid |
| 10 | 1 |
| 18 | 2 |
| 9 | 3 |
| 8 | 4 |
| 11 | 5 |
| 11 | 9 |
| 18 | 10 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


At the time I tried to do another image shows:

Choose an operation:
1. Capture Base Image

Make a selection (1, 'c' to cancel): 1

Enter the VCL login name or ID of the user who will own the image: [admin]:

User who will own the image: admin (ID: 1)

Enter the hostname or IP address of the computer to be captured: ('c' to

Computer to be captured: WindowsXP (ID: 2)
Provisioning module: provisioning_vmware
Install type: vmware

Select the OS to be captured (install type: vmware):
1. Generic Linux (VMware)
2. Windows 2003 Server (VMware)
3. Windows 7 (VMware)
4. Windows Server 2008 (VMware)
5. Windows Vista (VMware)
6. Windows XP (VMware)

[vcld/Image/Capture Base Image]
Make a selection (1-6, 'c' to cancel): 6

Selected OS: Windows XP (VMware)

Image architecture:
1. x86
2. x86_64

[vcld/Image/Capture Base Image]
Make a selection (1-2, 'c' to cancel): 1

Image architecture: x86

Use Sysprep:
1. Yes
2. No

[vcld/Image/Capture Base Image]
Make a selection (1-2, 'c' to cancel): 2

Use Sysprep: No

Enter the name of the image to be captured: ('c' to cancel): WinXP0208

Added new image to database: 'WinXP0208' vmwarewinxp-WinXP020813-v0 13 13 9 20

Inserted imaging request to the database:
request ID: 6
reservation ID: 6

This process will now display the contents of the vcld.log file if the vcld
daemon is running. If you do not see many lines of additional output,
exit this
process, start the vcld daemon, and monitor the image capture process by
the command:
tail -f /var/log/vcld.log | grep '6:6'

|7084| x86_64
2011-02-08 10:47:42|7084||choices
2011-02-08 10:47:44|4299|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-08 10:47:44
2011-02-08 10:47:49|4299|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-08 10:47:49
2011-02-08 10:47:54|4299|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-08 10:47:54
2011-02-08 10:47:59|4299|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-08 10:47:59
2011-02-08 10:48:02|7084||inserted new
reload request into request table, request id=6
2011-02-08 10:48:02|7084||inserted new
reload request into reservation table, reservation id=6
2011-02-08 10:48:04|4299|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-08 10:48:04
'begin' entry does NOT exist for reservation 6
2011-02-08 10:48:04|4299|6:6|image||executed
command: pgrep -fl 'vcld [0-9]+:6 ', pid: 7220, exit status: 1, output:
is NOT running, identifier: 'vcld [0-9]+:6 '
is NOT currently being processed
2011-02-08 10:48:04|4299|6:6|image|vcld:main(277)|reservation 6 is NOT
already being processed
affiliation found: Local
2011-02-08 10:48:04|4299|6:6|image|vcld:main(282)|retrieved request
information from database
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 6
10:48:04|4299|6:6|image||request 6
state updated to: pending, laststate to: image
2011-02-08 10:48:04|4299|6:6|image||inserted
computer=2, begin, beginning to process, state is image
2011-02-08 10:48:04|4299|6:6|image|vcld:make_new_child(510)|loaded
VCL::image module
2011-02-08 10:48:04|4299|6:6|image|vcld:make_new_child(567)|current
number of forked kids: 1
2011-02-08 10:48:04|7235|6:6|image|vcld:make_new_child(583)|vcld
environment variable set to 0 for this process
2011-02-08 10:48:04|7235|6:6|image||constructor
called, class=VCL::image
2011-02-08 10:48:04|7235|6:6|image||VCL::image object
2011-02-08 10:48:04|7235|6:6|image||obtained a
database handle for this state process, stored as $ENV{dbh}
2011-02-08 10:48:04|7235|6:6|image||no
corrections need to be made to image OS: vmwarewinxp
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 6
count: 1
10:48:04|7235|6:6|image||PARENTIMAGE: 1
10:48:04|7235|6:6|image||SUBIMAGE: 0
process to 'vcld 6:6 image WindowsXP vmwarewinxp-WinXP020813-v0 admin'
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 6
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 6
2011-02-08 10:48:04|7235|6:6|image||attempting
to load provisioning module: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VMware
module loaded
2011-02-08 10:48:04|7235|6:6|image||constructor
called, class=VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VMware
object created
10:48:04|7235|6:6|image||computer ID
argument was specified, retrieving data for computer ID: 1
DataStructure object for VM host: vclesx
10:48:04|7235|6:6|image||computer ID
argument was specified, retrieving data for computer ID: 1
DataStructure object for VM host: vclesx
to load VMware control module:
VMware control module: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK
2011-02-08 10:48:05|7235|6:6|image||constructor
called, class=VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK
object created
10:48:05|7235|6:6|image||attempting to
connect to VM host:
10:48:07|7235|6:6|image||connected to VM
API object: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK
10:48:07|7235|6:6|image||access to the
VM host via the vSphere SDK is NOT restricted due to the license
2011-02-08 10:48:07|7235|6:6|image||vSphere SDK
object will be used to control the VM: WindowsXP, and to control the OS
of the VM host: vclesx
product being used on VM host vclesx: 'VMware ESXi 4.0.0 build-261974'
2011-02-08 10:48:09|4299|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-08 10:48:09
2011-02-08 10:48:10|7235|6:6|image||file
(datastore root) exists: [datastore1]
2011-02-08 10:48:10|7235|6:6|image||VMware
provisioning object initialized:
|7235|6:6|image| VM host OS object type:
|7235|6:6|image| API object type:
provisioner object created
2011-02-08 10:48:10|7235|6:6|image||attempting
to load OS module: VCL::Module::OS::Windows::Version_5::XP
module loaded
2011-02-08 10:48:10|7235|6:6|image||constructor
called, class=VCL::Module::OS::Windows::Version_5::XP
object created
OS object created
2011-02-08 10:48:10|7235|6:6|image||returning 1
2011-02-08 10:48:10|7235|6:6|image|vcld:make_new_child(592)|VCL::image
object created and initialized
2011-02-08 10:48:11|7235|6:6|image||SUCCESS --
Sending mail To:, VCL IMAGE Creation Started:
10:48:13|7235|6:6|image||searching for
matching file paths: base directory path: '[datastore1]
vmwarewinxp-WinXP020813-v0', search pattern:
directory does not exist: '[datastore1] vmwarewinxp-WinXP020813-v0'
10:48:13|7235|6:6|image||matching file
count: 0
2011-02-08 10:48:13|7235|6:6|image||file
does not exist: [datastore1]
10:48:13|7235|6:6|image||image does not
exist in the non-persistent directory on the VM host, checking the image
repository path from the VM profile: /vmfs/volumes/datastore1
2011-02-08 10:48:13|7235|6:6|image||executed
command: find "/vmfs/volumes/datastore1/vmwarewinxp-WinXP020813-v0"
-iname "vmwarewinxp-WinXP020813-v0.vmdk", pid: 7260, exit status: 1, output:
|7235|6:6|image| find: /vmfs/volumes/datastore1: No existe el fichero o
el directorio
|7235|6:6|image| ---- WARNING ----
|7235|6:6|image| 2011-02-08
10:48:13|7235|6:6|image||failed to
determine if file exists in repository:
|7235|6:6|image| find: /vmfs/volumes/datastore1: No existe el fichero o
el directorio
|7235|6:6|image| ( 0), notify (line: 630)
|7235|6:6|image| (-1), does_image_exist (line: 2963)
|7235|6:6|image| (-2), process (line: 138)
|7235|6:6|image| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 595)
|7235|6:6|image| (-4) vcld, main (line: 342)
2011-02-08 10:48:13|7235|6:6|image||SUCCESS --
Sending mail To:, PROBLEM --
|7235|6:6|image| ---- CRITICAL ----
|7235|6:6|image| 2011-02-08
vmwarewinxp-WinXP020813-v0 already partially exists in the repository
|7235|6:6|image| ( 0), notify (line: 630)
|7235|6:6|image| (-1), process (line: 144)
|7235|6:6|image| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 595)
|7235|6:6|image| (-3) vcld, main (line: 342)
2011-02-08 10:48:14|7235|6:6|image||SUCCESS --
Sending mail To:, PROBLEM --
|7235|6:6|image| ---- CRITICAL ----
|7235|6:6|image| 2011-02-08
image creation failed
|7235|6:6|image| ( 0), notify (line: 630)
|7235|6:6|image| (-1), reservation_failed (line: 393)
|7235|6:6|image| (-2), process (line: 145)
|7235|6:6|image| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 595)
|7235|6:6|image| (-4) vcld, main (line: 342)
2011-02-08 10:48:14|7235|6:6|image||SUCCESS --
Sending mail To:, VCL -- NOTICE DELAY Image Creation
2011-02-08 10:48:14|7235|6:6|image||SUCCESS --
Sending mail To:, VCL -- NOTICE FAILED Image
Creation WinXP0208
10:48:14|7235|6:6|image||request 6
state updated to: maintenance, laststate to: image
10:48:14|7235|6:6|image||request state
set to maintenance, laststate to image
10:48:14|7235|6:6|image||computer 2
state updated to: maintenance
10:48:14|7235|6:6|image||WindowsXP state
set to maintenance
2011-02-08 10:48:14|7235|6:6|image||exiting
2011-02-08 10:48:14|7235|6:6|image||destructor
called, ref($self)=VCL::image
computerloadlog entries matching loadstate = begin
rows from computerloadlog for reservation id=6
2011-02-08 10:48:14|7235|6:6|image||removed
computerloadlog rows with loadstate=begin for reservation
2011-02-08 10:48:14|7235|6:6|image||number of
database handles state process created: 1
2011-02-08 10:48:14|7235|6:6|image||process has a
database handle stored in $ENV{dbh}, attempting disconnect
2011-02-08 10:48:14|7235|6:6|image||$ENV{dbh}:
database disconnect successful
2011-02-08 10:48:14|7235|6:6|image||VCL::image
process 7235 exiting
2011-02-08 10:48:14|4299|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-08 10:48:14
2011-02-08 10:48:14|4299|vcld:REAPER(745)|VCL process exited for
reservation 6, PID: 7235, signal: CHLD
2011-02-08 10:48:14|4299|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-08 10:48:14
2011-02-08 10:48:19|4299|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-08 10:48:19

You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@vcl bin]#

On 06/02/11 10:22, Andy Kurth wrote:
This sounds like it could be a caching problem or something in the
database isn't correct. First try clearing the cache by browsing to:
https://<your VCL website>/index.php?mode=clearCache

Try to make another reservation. If it still displays the error,
please run the following commands on your database and reply with the

SELECT * FROM image;
SELECT * FROM imagerevision;
SELECT * FROM resource;
SELECT * FROM resourcegroup;
SELECT * FROM resourcegroupmembers;


Mauricio César Ramírez Torres wrote:
Put the same password on all computers involved and working, probably
wrong password, but now I have another problem, when I imported the
image is not mistakes; then add the image to a group, but when trying
to create a reservation I mark the following :

there is an update to the database I need? or need to run a script.

Thanks for your help.

Error encountered
Unkown error type: [8] Undefined index: imagerevision
Error at 332 in /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/requests.php

[submitErr] => [user] => Array
[unityid] => admin
[affiliationid] => 1
[affiliation] => Local
[firstname] => vcl
[lastname] => admin
[preferredname] => [email] => root@localhost
[emailnotices] => 0
[IMtype] => none
[IMid] => [id] => 1
[adminlevel] => developer
[adminlevelid] => 3
[width] => 1024
[height] => 768
[bpp] => 16
[audiomode] => local
[mapdrives] => 1
[mapprinters] => 1
[mapserial] => 1
[showallgroups] => 1
[lastupdated] => 2007-05-17 09:58:39
[shibonly] => 0
[groups] => Array
[3] => adminUsers
[1] => global
[4] => manageNewImages
[5] => Specify End Time

[privileges] => Array
[0] => cascade
[1] => computerAdmin
[2] => groupAdmin
[3] => imageAdmin
[4] => imageCheckOut
[5] => mgmtNodeAdmin
[6] => nodeAdmin
[7] => resourceGrant
[8] => scheduleAdmin
[9] => userGrant

[login] => admin
[memberCurrentBlock] => 0

[viewmode] => 3
[HTMLheader] =>

[mode] => submitRequest [printedHTMLheader] => 0 [data] => Array (
[requestid] => [day] => 2/4/2011 [hour] => 6 [minute] => 00
[meridian] => pm [endday] => [endhour] => [endminute] => 00
[endmeridian] => [length] => 30 [started] => [os] => [imageid] => 11
[prettyimage] => [time] => future [revisionid] => Array ( ) [ending]
=> length [enddate] => [extend] => [testjavascript] => 0 [imaging] =>
0 [lengthchanged] => 0 ) [imaging] => 0 [resources] => Array (
[computer] => Array ( [1] => [2] => WindowsXP
) [image] => Array ( [11] => WinXP6 [4] => No Image )
[managementnode] => Array ( [1] => ) [schedule]
=> Array ( [1] => VCL 24x7 ) ) [validImageids] => Array ( [0] => 11
[1] => 4 ) [showrevisions] => 0 [subimages] => 0 [images] => Array (
[4] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => noimage [prettyname] => No Image
[ownerid] => 1 [owner] => admin@Local [platformid] => 1 [platform] =>
i386 [osid] => 2 [os] => sun4x_58 [minram] => 0 [minprocnumber]
=> 1 [minprocspeed] => 0 [minnetwork] => 10 [maxconcurrent] =>
[reloadtime] => 0 [deleted] => 0 [test] => 0 [resourceid] => 4
[lastupdate] => [forcheckout] => 0 [maxinitialtime] => 0 [imagemetaid]
=> [imagerevision] => Array ( [4] => Array ( [id] => 4 [revision] => 0
[userid] => 1 [user] => admin@Local [datecreated] => 1980-01-01
00:00:00 [prettydate] => 1/01/80 12:00 AM [production] => 1
[imagename] => noimage ) ) ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] =>
vmwarewinxp-WinXP611-v0 [prettyname] => WinXP6 [ownerid] => 1 [owner]
=> admin@Local [platformid] => 1 [platform] => i386 [osid] => 16 [os]
=> vmwarewinxp [minram] => 0 [minprocnumber] => 0 [minprocspeed] => 0
[minnetwork] => 0 [maxconcurrent] => [reloadtime] => 10 [deleted] => 0
[test] => 0 [resourceid] => 18 [lastupdate] => 2011-02-04 16:55:35
[forcheckout] => 1 [maxinitialtime] => 0 [imagemetaid] => 7
[checkuser] => 1 [rootaccess] => 1 [usergroupid] => [usergroup] =>
[sysprep] => 0 [subimages] => Array ( ) ) ) )

Call#:1 => index.php:submitRequest() (line#:85)
Call#:2 => requests.php:errorHandler() (line#:332)

Backtrace with Arguments:
Call#:1 => index.php:submitRequest() (line#:85)
Call#:2 => requests.php:errorHandler() (line#:332)

Argument#: 1 => 8
Argument#: 2 => Undefined index: imagerevision
Argument#: 3 => /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/requests.php
Argument#: 4 => 332
Argument#: 5 => Array
[submitErr] => [user] => Array
[unityid] => admin
[affiliationid] => 1
[affiliation] => Local
[firstname] => vcl
[lastname] => admin
[preferredname] => [email] => root@localhost
[emailnotices] => 0
[IMtype] => none
[IMid] => [id] => 1
[adminlevel] => developer
[adminlevelid] => 3
[width] => 1024
[height] => 768
[bpp] => 16
[audiomode] => local
[mapdrives] => 1
[mapprinters] => 1
[mapserial] => 1
[showallgroups] => 1
[lastupdated] => 2007-05-17 09:58:39
[shibonly] => 0
[groups] => Array
[3] => adminUsers
[1] => global
[4] => manageNewImages
[5] => Specify End Time

[privileges] => Array
[0] => cascade
[1] => computerAdmin
[2] => groupAdmin
[3] => imageAdmin
[4] => imageCheckOut
[5] => mgmtNodeAdmin
[6] => nodeAdmin
[7] => resourceGrant
[8] => scheduleAdmin
[9] => userGrant

[login] => admin
[memberCurrentBlock] => 0

[viewmode] => 3
[HTMLheader] =>

[mode] => submitRequest [printedHTMLheader] => 0 [data] => Array (
[requestid] => [day] => 2/4/2011 [hour] => 6 [minute] => 00
[meridian] => pm [endday] => [endhour] => [endminute] => 00
[endmeridian] => [length] => 30 [started] => [os] => [imageid] => 11
[prettyimage] => [time] => future [revisionid] => Array ( ) [ending]
=> length [enddate] => [extend] => [testjavascript] => 0 [imaging] =>
0 [lengthchanged] => 0 ) [imaging] => 0 [resources] => Array (
[computer] => Array ( [1] => [2] => WindowsXP
) [image] => Array ( [11] => WinXP6 [4] => No Image )
[managementnode] => Array ( [1] => ) [schedule]
=> Array ( [1] => VCL 24x7 ) ) [validImageids] => Array ( [0] => 11
[1] => 4 ) [showrevisions] => 0 [subimages] => 0 [images] => Array (
[4] => Array ( [id] => 4 [name] => noimage [prettyname] => No Image
[ownerid] => 1 [owner] => admin@Local [platformid] => 1 [platform] =>
i386 [osid] => 2 [os] => sun4x_58 [minram] => 0 [minprocnumber] => 1
[minprocspeed] => 0 [minnetwork] => 10 [maxconcurrent] =>
[reloadtime] => 0 [deleted] => 0 [test] => 0 [resourceid] => 4
[lastupdate] => [forcheckout] => 0 [maxinitialtime] => 0
[imagemetaid] => [imagerevision] => Array ( [4] => Array ( [id] => 4
[revision] => 0 [userid] => 1 [user] => admin@Local [datecreated] =>
1980-01-01 00:00:00 [prettydate] => 1/01/80 12:00 AM [production] =>
1 [imagename] => noimage ) ) ) [11] => Array ( [id] => 11 [name] =>
vmwarewinxp-WinXP611-v0 [prettyname] => WinXP6 [ownerid] => 1 [owner]
=> admin@Local [platformid] => 1 [platform] => i386 [osid] => 16 [os]
=> vmwarewinxp [minram] => 0 [minprocnumber] => 0 [minprocspeed] => 0
[minnetwork] => 0 [maxconcurrent] => [reloadtime] => 10 [deleted] =>
0 [test] => 0 [resourceid] => 18 [lastupdate] => 2011-02-04 16:55:35
[forcheckout] => 1 [maxinitialtime] => 0 [imagemetaid] => 7
[checkuser] => 1 [rootaccess] => 1 [usergroupid] => [usergroup] =>
[sysprep] => 0 [subimages] => Array ( ) ) ) ) -----------------------

*From:* Andy Kurth []
*Sent:* Fri, 04 Feb 2011 16:17:53 -0600
*Subject:* Re: SDK can not connect to VMWare

It looks like the username and possibly the password aren't configured
in the VM profile:

unable to connect to VM host: https://myserver:8333/sdk, username: '0',

The username and password are currently required to use the vSphere
Otherwise, SSH must be enabled on the VM host and an identity key

Regarding VMware licensing, VCL works using the free ESXi license as
long as SSH is enabled. The vSphere SDK can only be used if the VMware
host is using a commercial license or running in evaluation mode. The
vSphere SDK and other methods provided by VMware are crippled when the
free license code is applied.


Mauricio César Ramírez Torres wrote:
> Another question requires a specific license from VMWare to use with
> the SDK?
> Thanks.
> On 04/02/11 11:10, Mauricio César Ramírez Torres wrote:
>> Good day, I annex the last lines of vcld.log, try to send this
>> corresponds to the last attempt I made to import an image, the line
>> 100 to the 600 does not understand what that indicates, around line
>> 650 is where I believe this marking problems with the SDK.
>> I'm working with ESXi 4.0, 2.2 and SKD 4.0 VCL what I have
>> everything on the same computer, ie the database, the node
manager and
>> web application, is this correct or recommend a different
structure, I
>> did this so for testing, only I have 2 desktop computers to use as
>> customers at the time that works and to get familiar with the
>> application, when working properly then think of a final structure.
>> Greetings and thanks for your time.
>> *From:* Andy Kurth [
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Fri, 04 Feb 2011 10:03:10 -0600
>> *Subject:* Re: SDK can not connect to VMWare
>> Please include the vcld.log output. There are a few reasons why the
>> connection may fail. It could be an incorrect URL, incorrect
>> username/password, or the version of the SDK installed on the
>> management
>> node isn't compatible with the version on the VM host. I may be
>> able to
>> tell based on the log output.
>> Regards,
>> Andy
>> On 2/2/2011 6:30 PM, Mauricio César Ramírez Torres wrote:
>> > Good day, I have a problem with VCL 2.2 using VMWare ESXi 4.0
>> with SDK
>> > 4, basically trying to create a base image says that the SDK
can not
>> > connect to VMWare server, but do not know how I can prove it is
>> possible
>> > to connect to ESXi with the SDK. someone tell me how to prove?.
>> >
>> > I also want to know if any of you would be interested in
>> supporting me
>> > to finish my installation properly, and if you are interested
>> please say
>> > as it would be the approximate cost.
>> Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico, piensa bien si es
imprescindible hacerlo.
>> El Medio Ambiente es cosa de todos.
> --
> Atte.
> Mauricio César Ramírez Torres.
> Soporte Técnico Frigus Bohn.
> Tel. (442) 296 4566
> Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico, piensa bien si es
imprescindible hacerlo.
> El Medio Ambiente es cosa de todos.



Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico, piensa bien si es
imprescindible hacerlo. El Medio Ambiente es cosa de todos.


Mauricio César Ramírez Torres.
Soporte Técnico Frigus Bohn.
Tel. (442) 296 4566


Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico, piensa bien si es
imprescindible hacerlo.
El Medio Ambiente es cosa de todos.

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