
After some progress yesterday I still got an error while creating an image.
The error was:

13:40:38|6392|14:3|image|vSphere_SDK.pm:_get_file_info(2005)|searching for
matching file paths: base directory path: '[datastore1]
vmwarelinux-238-v0', search pattern: 'vmwarelinux-238-v0.vmdk'
13:40:40|6392|14:3|image|vSphere_SDK.pm:_get_file_info(2016)|base directory
does not exist: '[datastore1] vmwarelinux-238-v0'
13:40:40|6392|14:3|image|vSphere_SDK.pm:find_files(1753)|matching file
count: 0
2011-11-02 13:40:40|6392|14:3|image|vSphere_SDK.pm:file_exists(1625)|file
does not exist: [datastore1] vmwarelinux-238-v0/vmwarelinux-238-v0.vmdk
2011-11-02 13:40:40|6392|14:3|image|VMware.pm:does_image_exist(3915)|image
does not exist in the non-persistent directory on the VM host
|6392|14:3|image| ---- WARNING ----
|6392|14:3|image| 2011-11-02
13:40:40|6392|14:3|image|VMware.pm:_get_datastore_name(5848)|unable to
determine datastore name from path: '/vclfile', path does not begin with
any of the datastore paths:
|6392|14:3|image| '[datastore1]'
|6392|14:3|image| '/vmfs/volumes/datastore1'
|6392|14:3|image| '/vmfs/volumes/4e72606b-01b8dc93-5cdb-0023aeae26d2'

I'll figure out how to fix it, but have a related questions.

Creating the image failed and during the process vm-00 was put in 'maintains'
mode (stateid=10) and it stays in this mode after failure. It's not
possible to change the mode to 'available' (get the message - Virtual
machines can only be added in the maintenance state.) via web portal. Looks
like I need to re-add vm-00 (have to use 'Add multiple' option) or to
change stateid value in vcl.computer : UPDATE `vcl`.`computer` SET
`stateid` = '2' WHERE `computer`.`id` =36

Is it OK to do it this way? Or am I missing something?


On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 4:50 PM, Dmitri Chebotarov <4dim...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I got some progress on this issue. I tried to run vmware-cmd from
> vcl-server and got the same error - Server version unavailable at  ,
> which could mean SSL certificate is missing. Then found this post
> http://communities.vmware.com/message/1347703 and added these two lines
> to /usr/local/vcl/lib/VCL/Module/Provisioning/VMware/vSphere_SDK.pm after
> line 62
> $ENV{SSL_verify_mode} = 0x00;
> This change allowed image creation to start successfully. VCLD connects to
> ESXi server OK and gets server version. It doesn't use ssh keys from
> /etc/vcl/vcl.key, but username/password configured in the profile.
> Thanks.
> On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Dmitri Chebotarov <4dim...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hello
>> Got this link from one of the posts on this elist -
>> https://sites.google.com/a/ncsu.edu/vcl-bootcamp/. I hope it helps me
>> understand the VCL better...
>> Can you recommend anything else to read about Apache VCL, besides
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/VCL/ ?
>> Thanks.
>> On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Dmitri Chebotarov <4dim...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi All
>>> I'm stuck on creating a base image (Linux) for newly deployed Apache VCL
>>> system and looking for help...
>>> This is the closes I got so far to a working system.
>>> I'm using ESXi 4.1 (60 days evaluation), ssh is enabled, ESXi server
>>> name is esxiServer01, added to the host file on VCL management server.
>>> Linux server being imaged is vm-00 running on esxiServer01. Added to the
>>> host file as well on VCL server. I can ping both and ssh -i key host works.
>>> Below is the full log for the process. These lines puzzle me:
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|OS.pm:is_ssh_responding(405)|esxiServer01 is NOT
>>> responding to SSH, SSH command failed, port 22: open, port 24: closed
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|VMware.pm:initialize(257)|unable
>>> to control OS of VM host esxiServer01 using VCL::Module::OS::Linux::UnixLab
>>> OS object because VM host is not responding to SSH
>>> since I can ping the VM host and 'ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key esxiServer01'
>>> works fine.
>>> Also all http(s) links work fine when I access them from management
>>> server.
>>> Is there a way to create and register images manually? Can I use Veeam
>>> FastSCP or similar software to copy VMs to VCL server and register them? If
>>> there is way to do so, anyone has a link?
>>> I would appreciate any help. Thank you.
>>> Here is the full log file for the imaging process:
>>>    VCL::image object could not be created and initialized
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> time: 2011-11-01 08:40:59
>>> caller: vcld:make_new_child(571)
>>> ( 0) vcld, make_new_child (line: 571)
>>> (-1) vcld, main (line: 346)
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> management node: vcl-01
>>> reservation PID: 16965
>>> parent vcld PID: 5086
>>> request ID: 20
>>> reservation ID: 20
>>> request state/laststate: image/image
>>> request start time: 2011-11-01 08:40:49
>>> request end time: 2011-11-01 09:40:49
>>> for imaging: no
>>> log ID: none
>>> computer: vm-00
>>> computer id: 23
>>> computer type: virtualmachine
>>> computer eth0 MAC address: <undefined>
>>> computer eth1 MAC address: <undefined>
>>> computer private IP address:
>>> computer public IP address:
>>> computer in block allocation: no
>>> provisioning module: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VMware
>>> vm host: esxiServer01
>>> vm host ID: 3
>>> vm host computer ID: 11
>>> vm profile: VMware ESX - local storage
>>> vm profile VM path: /vmfs/volumes/4e72606b-01b8dc93-5cdb-0023aeae26d2/
>>> vm profile repository path: 0
>>> vm profile datastore path:
>>> /vmfs/volumes/4e72606b-01b8dc93-5cdb-0023aeae26d2/
>>> vm profile disk type: localdisk
>>> image: vmwarelinux-linuximage0128-v0
>>> image display name: linux-image-01
>>> image ID: 28
>>> image revision ID: 28
>>> image size: 1450 MB
>>> use Sysprep: yes
>>> root access: yes
>>> image owner ID: 1
>>> image owner affiliation: Local
>>> image revision date created: 2011-11-01 08:40:49
>>> image revision production: yes
>>> OS module: VCL::Module::OS::Linux
>>> user: admin
>>> user name: vcl admin
>>> user ID: 1
>>> user affiliation: Local
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(834)|data structure
>>> updated: $self->request_data->{reservation}{0}{computer}{IPaddress}
>>> |16965|20:20|image| computer_ip_address =
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:create_mn_os_object(366)|VCL::Module::OS::Linux::ManagementNode
>>> OS object created, address: 1b2415c0
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:new(192)|VCL::image
>>> object created for state image, address: 1b03b4c0
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|State.pm:initialize(86)|obtained a
>>> database handle for this state process, stored as $ENV{dbh}
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|State.pm:check_image_os(762)|no
>>> corrections need to be made to image OS: vmwarelinux
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:is_parent_reservation(991)|returning
>>> true: parent reservation ID for this request: 20
>>> 2011-11-01 
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7098)|reservation
>>> count: 1
>>> 2011-11-01 
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7117)|PARENTIMAGE:
>>> 1
>>> 2011-11-01 
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7118)|SUBIMAGE:
>>> 0
>>> 2011-11-01 
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7136)|renamed
>>> process to 'vcld 20:20 image vm-00>esxiServer01
>>> vmwarelinux-linuximage0128-v0 admin'
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:is_parent_reservation(991)|returning
>>> true: parent reservation ID for this request: 20
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:is_parent_reservation(991)|returning
>>> true: parent reservation ID for this request: 20
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:create_os_object(298)|VCL::Module::OS::Linux
>>> module loaded
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:create_mn_os_object(335)|management
>>> node OS object has already been created, address: 1b2415c0, returning 1
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:new(196)|VCL::Module::OS::Linux object
>>> created for image vmwarelinux-linuximage0128-v0, address: 1b266810
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:create_os_object(304)|VCL::Module::OS::Linux
>>> OS object created for vmwarelinux-linuximage0128-v0, address: 1b266810
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:create_provisioning_object(420)|VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VMware
>>> module loaded
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:create_mn_os_object(335)|management
>>> node OS object has already been created, address: 1b2415c0, returning 1
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:new(200)|VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VMware
>>> object created for computer vm-00, address: 1b2667c0
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|VMware.pm:initialize(230)|initializing
>>> VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VMware object
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(613)|computer ID
>>> argument was specified, retrieving data for computer ID: 11
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(643)|image ID
>>> argument was specified: 4, DataStructure object will contain image
>>> information for the production imagerevision of this image
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(660)|retrieved data
>>> for imagerevision ID: 4
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(676)|retrieved data
>>> for image ID: 4
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_datastructure(1190)|created
>>> DataStructure object for VM host: esxiServer01
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|VMware.pm:initialize(249)|attempting to create
>>> OS object for the image currently loaded on the VM host: esxiServer01
>>> |16965|20:20|image| image name: noimage
>>> |16965|20:20|image| OS module: VCL::Module::OS::Linux::UnixLab
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(613)|computer ID
>>> argument was specified, retrieving data for computer ID: 11
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(643)|image ID
>>> argument was specified: 4, DataStructure object will contain image
>>> information for the production imagerevision of this image
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(660)|retrieved data
>>> for imagerevision ID: 4
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(676)|retrieved data
>>> for image ID: 4
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_datastructure(1190)|created
>>> DataStructure object for VM host: esxiServer01
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_os_object(1232)|attempting
>>> to load VM host OS module: VCL::Module::OS::Linux::UnixLab
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_os_object(1238)|VM host OS
>>> module loaded: VCL::Module::OS::Linux::UnixLab
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:create_mn_os_object(335)|management
>>> node OS object has already been created, address: 1b2415c0, returning 1
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:new(196)|VCL::Module::OS::Linux::UnixLab
>>> object created for image noimage, address: 1b5dc1d0
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:51|16965|20:20|image|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_os_object(1244)|VM host OS
>>> object created: VCL::Module::OS::Linux::UnixLab
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|OS.pm:is_ssh_responding(405)|esxiServer01 is NOT
>>> responding to SSH, SSH command failed, port 22: open, port 24: closed
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|VMware.pm:initialize(257)|unable
>>> to control OS of VM host esxiServer01 using VCL::Module::OS::Linux::UnixLab
>>> OS object because VM host is not responding to SSH
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(613)|computer ID
>>> argument was specified, retrieving data for computer ID: 11
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(643)|image ID
>>> argument was specified: 4, DataStructure object will contain image
>>> information for the production imagerevision of this image
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(660)|retrieved data
>>> for imagerevision ID: 4
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(676)|retrieved data
>>> for image ID: 4
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_datastructure(1190)|created
>>> DataStructure object for VM host: esxiServer01
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1293)|attempting
>>> to load VMware control module:
>>> VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1299)|loaded
>>> VMware control module: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set
>>> 'vmhost_data' key for VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK object
>>> from arguments
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'vmhost_os'
>>> key for VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK object from arguments
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:create_mn_os_object(335)|management
>>> node OS object has already been created, address: 1b2415c0, returning 1
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:new(200)|VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK
>>> object created for computer vm-00, address: 1b5dc460
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|vSphere_SDK.pm:initialize(1829)|loaded VMware
>>> vSphere SDK modules
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|vSphere_SDK.pm:initialize(1871)|attempting to
>>> connect to VM host:https://esxiServer01/sdk
>>> 2011-11-01 <https://esxiServer01/sdk2011-11-01> 
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|vSphere_SDK.pm:initialize(1883)|unable
>>> to connect to VM host using URL:https://esxiServer01/sdk, error:
>>> |16965|20:20|image| Server version unavailable at '
>>> https://esxiServer01:443/sdk/vimService.wsdl<https://esxiServer01/sdk/vimService.wsdl>'
>>> at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/VMware/VICommon.pm line 545.
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|vSphere_SDK.pm:initialize(1871)|attempting to
>>> connect to VM host:https://esxiServer01:8333/sdk
>>> 2011-11-01 <https://esxiServer01:8333/sdk2011-11-01> 
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|vSphere_SDK.pm:initialize(1883)|unable
>>> to connect to VM host using URL:https://esxiServer01:8333/sdk, error:
>>> |16965|20:20|image| Error connecting to server at '
>>> https://esxiServer01:8333/sdk': Connection refused
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|vSphere_SDK.pm:initialize(1896)|unable connect
>>> to VM host: esxiServer01
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1313)|API object
>>> could not be created: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK
>>> |16965|20:20|image| ---- WARNING ----
>>> |16965|20:20|image| 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|VMware.pm:initialize(273)|no methods are
>>> available to control VM host esxiServer01, the vSphere SDK cannot be used
>>> to control the VM host and the host OS cannot be controlled via SSH
>>> |16965|20:20|image| ( 0) VMware.pm, initialize (line: 273)
>>> |16965|20:20|image| (-1) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
>>> |16965|20:20|image| (-2) Module.pm, create_provisioning_object (line:
>>> 423)
>>> |16965|20:20|image| (-3) State.pm, initialize (line: 117)
>>> |16965|20:20|image| (-4) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
>>> |16965|20:20|image| (-5) vcld, make_new_child (line: 564)
>>> |16965|20:20|image| ---- WARNING ----
>>> |16965|20:20|image| 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|Module.pm:create_provisioning_object(431)|provisioning
>>> object could not be created, returning 0
>>> |16965|20:20|image| ( 0) Module.pm, create_provisioning_object (line:
>>> 431)
>>> |16965|20:20|image| (-1) State.pm, initialize (line: 117)
>>> |16965|20:20|image| (-2) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
>>> |16965|20:20|image| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 564)
>>> |16965|20:20|image| (-4) vcld, main (line: 346)
>>> |16965|20:20|image| ---- WARNING ----
>>> |16965|20:20|image| 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|State.pm:initialize(118)|failed to create
>>> provisioning object
>>> |16965|20:20|image| ( 0) State.pm, initialize (line: 118)
>>> |16965|20:20|image| (-1) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
>>> |16965|20:20|image| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 564)
>>> |16965|20:20|image| (-3) vcld, main (line: 346)
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|State.pm:DESTROY(829)|VCL::image
>>> destructor called, address: 1b03b4c0
>>> 2011-11-01 
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|utils.pm:delete_computerloadlog_reservation(6742)|removing
>>> computerloadlog entries matching loadstate = begin
>>> 2011-11-01 
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|utils.pm:delete_computerloadlog_reservation(6789)|deleted
>>> rows from computerloadlog for reservation id=20
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|State.pm:DESTROY(848)|number of
>>> database handles state process created: 1
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|State.pm:DESTROY(876)|VCL::image
>>> process duration: 8 seconds
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:get_computer_private_ip_address(1581)|attempting
>>> to retrieve private IP address for computer: vm-00
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:get_computer_private_ip_address(1585)|retrieved
>>> contents of /etc/hosts on this management node, contains 7 lines
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:get_computer_private_ip_address(1645)|returning
>>> IP address from /etc/hosts file:
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2703)|unable
>>> to use database handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2760)|database
>>> handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|utils.pm:is_inblockrequest(6163)|zero
>>> rows were returned from database select
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:get_image_affiliation_name(2035)|image
>>> owner id: 1
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2709)|database
>>> requested (information_schema) does not match handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
>>> (vcl:localhost)
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2760)|database
>>> handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:retrieve_user_data(1352)|attempting
>>> to retrieve and store data for user:user.id = '1'
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2709)|database
>>> requested (vcl) does not match handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
>>> (information_schema:localhost)
>>> 2011-11-01 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2760)|database
>>> handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
>>> 2011-11-01
>>> 08:40:59|16965|20:20|image|DataStructure.pm:retrieve_user_data(1415)|data
>>> has been retrieved for user: admin (id: 1)

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