
xrdp works well on Linux - http://www.xrdp.org/. 
We are using it for Linux reservations with no issues (please use latest 
version of xrdp as there are some issues with RDP 6.1 for older xrdp). 

You will need to modify following files/code to make RDP links available for a 
Linux reservation. Here is diff:

$ diff requests.php ~/apache-VCL-2.2.1-incubating/web/.ht-inc/requests.php 
<                       print "<strong><big>NOTE:</big> You may now use the 
Windows Remote ";
<                       print "Desktop Connection to connect to this computer. 
You may also use an ";
< #                     print "<a 
<                       print "ssh client</a>.</strong>\n";
<                       /*if(eregi("windows", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) {
>                       print "<strong><big>NOTE:</big> You cannot use the 
> Windows Remote ";
>                       print "Desktop Connection to connect to this computer. 
> You must use an ";
>                       print "ssh client.</strong>\n";
>                       /*if(preg_match("/windows/i", 
< # Add automatic RDP file to Linux Selection
<                         print "For automatic connection, you can download an 
RDP file that can ";
<                         print "be opened by the Remote Desktop Connection 
<                         print "<table summary=\"\">\n";
<                         print "  <TR>\n";
<                         print "    <TD>\n";
<                         print "      <FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . 
"\" method=post>\n";
<                         $cdata = array('requestid' => $requestid,
<                                           'resid' => 
<                          $expire = datetimeToUnix($requestData['end']) -
<                                 datetimeToUnix($requestData['start']) + 1800; 
# reservation time plus 30 min
<                          $cont = addContinuationsEntry('sendRDPfile', $cdata, 
<                          print "      <INPUT type=hidden name=continuation 
<                          print "      <INPUT type=submit value=\"Get RDP 
<                          print "      </FORM>\n";
<                         print "    </TD>\n";
<                         print "    <TD><a 
<                         print "remote-desktop/what-rdp-file\">What is an RDP 
<                         print "  </TR>\n";
<                         print "</table>\n";

Also, modify utils.pm on management node to add a check for RDP connection for 
Linux images. 
By default VCLd only checks for SSH connected users for Linux reservation and 
you will get warning emails.

$ diff utils.pm ~/apache-VCL-2.2.1-incubating/managementnode/lib/VCL/utils.pm 

<                                               #if ($line =~ 
<                                               # the line replaced with two 
checks - for port 22 or port 3389, 
<                                               if ( ($line =~ 
<                                                    ($line =~ 
 ) {
>                                               if ($line =~ 
> /tcp\s+([0-9]*)\s+([0-9]*)\s($ipaddress:22)\s+([.0-9]*):([0-9]*)(.*)(ESTABLISHED)/)
>  {


On Mar 19, 2012, at 14:18 , Mike Haudenschild wrote:

> Good afternoon, VCL users --
> I was curious if anyone else is running full Linux desktops (e.g. with GNOME) 
> with VCL.  Specifically, is there an implemented method for connecting to the 
> GUI (i.e. as RDP is used with Windows), or are Linux images restricted only 
> to the shell?  Any tips/tricks?
> Many thanks,
> Mike
> --
> Mike Haudenschild
> Education Systems Manager
> Longsight Group
> (740) 599-5005 x809
> m...@longsight.com
> www.longsight.com

Dmitri Chebotarov
Virtual Computing Lab Systems Engineer, TSD - Ent Servers & Messaging
223 Aquia Building, Ffx, MSN: 1B5
Phone: (703) 993-6175
Fax: (703) 993-3404

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