Hi Andy,

Once I added 'root' with an Administrator role to Vmware Server 2, as per your suggestion, it worked. I was able to capture a base image.

I added the Base Image to an Image Group.

Mmm, I am noticed that the Base Image name has change it name with in Vmware server, which is good. But the instance is still running. which I assume is normal.

I'm guessing that the next step is to create a new image from this Base Image.

I choose 'Create / Update an Image', and the Reservation screen opens, which is normal. I can't seem to be able to choose NOW. I can schedule a time in the future, and the reservation works fine. Is this normal? Is there a way to shut down the Base Image instance (letting vcl/database know that it is now free), with out making a reservation for some future time frame?


  Brian Hartlieb
     System Administrator
        TIS - Rensselaer at Hartford
           Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
              (860) 548-5459

Re: VIM_SSH failed to login error
"Andy Kurth" <andy_ku...@ncsu.edu>
Tue, 10 Apr 2012 10:51:23 -0400

Welcome!  You do not need the vSphere SDK and you don't need to
configure the username/password in the profile.  All that is required
is that the management node is able to SSH without a password to both
the VM host and VM.  It looks like this is working.

I don't think the problem has to do with your VCL configuration but
seems to be related to VMware.  I can't recall seeing the "Failed to
login: vim.fault.NoPermission" error before and was not able to
reproduce it.  Can you log in to the VMware web console as root?  If
you can login, select the VM host in the Inventory pane and look at
the Permissions tab.  Does root have the Administrator role?

Did you install any other VMware products except VMware Server 2.0?  I
have seen conflicts before when the vSphere SDK or VIX API was
installed over VMware Server.

At any rate, you'll need to be able to manually run the vmware-vim-cmd
commands before attempting to capture the image with VCL again.  When
logged in to the management node shell, do either of these commands
vmware-vim-cmd hostsvc/datastore/listsummary
ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key alpha-vcl 'vmware-vim-cmd

If neither works, try restarting the vmware service.  If the commands
still don't work, try rerunning vmware-config.pl.


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