On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Richard Hartmann
<richih.mailingl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 03:11, Adam Spiers <vcs-h...@adamspiers.org> wrote:
>> I like that scheme with things like apache (sites-available
>> vs. sites-enabled) although with mr config, the same effect can by
>> automated via the special 'skip' parameter, which to me seems nicer
>> than manually fiddling with symlinks.
> If you use skip, you will have to manually fiddle with mr to do the
> first checkout ;)

Why?  mr bootstrap http://... which then checks out the repo
containing all the mr config files, and then chain-loads them.  Each
repo subsequently loaded can then optionally have a skip parameter
which intelligently decides whether or not it should apply to this
machine (personally I do this by giving each machine a unique nickname
contained in ~/.nickname, and then building conditionals on that;
sometimes I'll also base it on the DNS domain name for repos which are
only relevant to a particular LAN).

> I still hope to sell Joey on the idea of incorporating link management
> in mr. A definite yes/no/onlyifyousubmitapatch would be nice, here.

I'd be willing to help if it's "only if you submit a patch".

> If that doesn't work out, I will most likely extend vcsh to do this.
> Along with zsh completion to grab available repos from your local
> setup.

Yes, gotta have proper zsh completion ;-)
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