also sprach James Westby <> [2009.03.25.1500 +0100]:
> > I will probably be there and I am definitely interested in doing
> > something vcs-pkg. I am a little weary though about doing something
> > in a Debian/Ubuntu-only context, because this group is already
> > strongly Debian/Ubuntu-centric [0], so we better be careful not to
> > drive the others away.
> I agree.
> It seems to good an opportunity to pass up though.

Maybe some non-Debian people would consider attending anyway? It's
in Spain and thus not far from anywhere Europe, and if you have
a true interest in combination with funding problems, talk to me and
maybe I can help make it happen. Sentences like this do not attempt
to suggest that I have money, but I do have people to talk to. :)

> So, a first proposal to get us going: a half-day BoF on vcs-pkg,
> attempting first to define the problems the project should solve,
> and then sketching out a roadmap to tackle them.

Sounds good to me. Anything further is probably better placed at
a multi-day Extremadura meeting, which we still could do. Or I'll
host y'all in Zurich. :)

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"man kann die menschen nur von ihren eigenen meinungen überzeugen."
                                                    -- charles tschopp

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