In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Glyn Edwards wrote:

> > ISTR you can connect directly with MPlayer or Xine by streaming HTTP and
> > part of the URL tells it which channel to select.
> True, but as far as I'm aware, you can't access recordings and FFwd and
> Rwd etc...

Both the above players can play vdr files. I mount my recordings
directory over NFS. You can jump forwards and backwards, so not being
able to ffwd or rew isn't too much of a problem. However, if you try to
seek with the arrow keys in xine it always jumps to the beginning.  The
progress bar still works properly though; you can drag it. Seeking with
the arrow or PgUp/Dn keys in MPlayer works, but the amount it jumps each
time is a bit hit & miss.

TH *

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