On Friday 16 February 2007 13:48, Dieter Bloms wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Feb 15, Dieter Bloms wrote:
> > no diseqc setup works stabel for me :(
> I can reproduce following:
> vdr can record from senders on V polarisation like sat1, prosieben ...
> even without reloading the driver.
> vdr can not record from any sender on H polarisation like ard, zdf ...
> even with reloading the driver it doesn't work.
> This explains, that I got some recording and some not.
> Does anybody know what can be the different between H and V polarisation ?

supply voltage at central wire of koax cable. It seems you have or DVB card or 
LNB damaged. Test these parts with another receiver or/and another LNB.

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