En/na Ondrej Wisniewski ha escrit:
I am using VDR 1.4.5 with the integrated auto pid feature and without
any CAM. When tuning to an encrypted channel, the CA value gets set
accordingly and "channel not available" is displayed. So far so good.

However there are channels that encrypt only certain programs and are
free the rest of the time. When tuning to this "free" channel while the
program is encrypted, the CA value will be set and "channel not
available" shown. But when tuning to the same channel again when it is
not encrypted any more it seems that VDR just checks the CA value and
displays "channel not available" instead of checking the currently
broadcast CA value. So the channel cannot be watched even if it is free
in the moment.

This is quite annoying and decreases the WAF a lot :-/

Is there an easy way to fix this?

Edit the file dvbdevice.c, insert a line "return true;" at the beginning of the method cDvbDevice::ProvidesCa. With this modification you can tune to encoded channels, however you'll never see a "channel not available", you'll just see a black screen. This, btw, also solves the problem of channels that declare they're scrambled when they aren't.


A: Because it destroys the flow of the conversation
Q: Why is it bad?
A: No, it's bad.
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