En/na Klaus Schmidinger ha escrit:
> On 08/12/07 22:01, Luca Olivetti wrote:
>> En/na Luca Olivetti ha escrit:
>>> it appears that, even if the setlocale call succeeds, gettext doesn't 
>>> find the correct translation for LanguageCode (it always returns esl, 
>>> very strange since ca_ES is the first one tried).
>>> If I leave just the ca_ES directory, LanguageCode is untranslated.
>> Well, it seems that if the LANGUAGE variable is set, the second argument 
>> to setlocale is ignored, and since I had LANGUAGE=ca:es_ES:es it looked 
>> in ca (which doesn't exist) and then es_ES (found) and stopped there.
> So what exactly doesn this mean?

that the man page of setlocale is incorrect ;-)

> Should something be changed in VDR, or do you just not set the
> LANGUAGE variable?

I'm just unsetting LANGUAGE before launching vdr. Maybe someone else 
will be bitten by this problem and he'll have to unset LANGUAGE too.


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