Wolfgang Rohdewald wrote:
> On Samstag, 18. August 2007, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
>> That would mean that every *.po file would have to contain the name
>> of every other language, and for every new language that's added, all
>> other *.po files would have to be extended. 
> the debian package iso-codes contains all ISO 639 language codes
> with translations, so you could use those.

And an URL:

> The muggle plugin uses this to display the language of the audio file in
> the vdr OSD language.
> You should use at least version iso-codes 0.47-2 (Aug 2005), older
> versions were missing german translations for most european languages.
> from muggle, vdr_actions.c:
> dgettext("iso_639",item->value().c_str()) 
> where the 2nd arg is the english language name AFAIR

Seems like a good solution to me.

Anssi Hannula

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