En/na Udo Richter ha escrit:
> Matthias Fechner wrote:
>>> cp Make.config.template Make.config
>>> edit it and set LOCDIR=./locale
>> ok I changed it, now VDR says at startup:
>> Aug 20 14:53:36 localhost vdr: [23028] found 21 locales in ./locale
>> Aug 20 14:53:36 localhost vdr: [23028] no locale for language code 'deu,ger'
>> [..]
>> But in the OSD I can select between several LanguageName$English and
>> English but no german translation.
> Post the output of locale -a. You may need to install missing locales, 
> check your distribution on how to.

That shouldn't be necessary with 1.5.8: I only have 3 locales installed 
but I can select all languages from the osd setup menu (and see the 
corresponding translations).


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