On 09/02/07 18:35, Igor Nikanov wrote:
> Hello
> is it possible to logging the sending of diseqs command, like this
> Dec 4 16:03:38 vdr[14005]: Rotor-command E0 31 6E D0 73 sent
> Dec 4 16:03:38 vdr[14005]: Diseqc E0 31 6B 1 sent.
> Dec 4 16:03:38 vdr[14005]: Diseqc E1 31 6B 1 sent.
> Dec 4 16:03:38 vdr[14005]: Diseqc E1 31 6B 1 sent.
> Dec 4 16:03:38 vdr[14005]: Rotor-command E1 31 6E D0 73 sent

In dvbdevice.c search for:

diseqcCommands = diseqc->Commands();

and immediately following it add:

isyslog("Sent DISEQC command: %s", diseqcCommands);

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