En/na Jan Willies ha escrit:

> After upgrading from 1.5.2 to 1.5.11 I ran into some problems with my 
> dxr3 card. The first one was solved by setting AntiAlias = 0 in 
> setup.conf. But after that, VDR won't even start:
> vdr: [3936] ERROR: FreeType: error during FT_Render_Glyph 32, 3
> vdr: [3936] ERROR: FreeType: error during FT_Render_Glyph 32, 3
> vdr: [3936] ERROR: FreeType: error during FT_Render_Glyph 32, 3
> Speicherzugriffsfehler
> Apparently the AntiAlias fix worked for Luca Olivetti 

Yes, and it is working now, with vdr-1.5.11 (though dvbsubtitles.c have 
to be patched since it seems it doesn't honour the AntiAlias setting, 
and the dxr3 osd is too funky to give the right answer to 
CanHandleAreas, but this is not your problem)

> (http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.vdr/33161/).So is this a freetype 
> problem? wrong font? More infos needed?
> libfreetype6 2.3.5-1+b1
> libfreetype6-dev 2.3.5-1+b1

FWIW I have 2.3.1 (the version that came with mandriva 2007.1).


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