On Nov 18, 2007 9:54 PM, Klaus Schmidinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/18/07 19:16, Alasdair Campbell wrote:
> > On Nov 19, 2007 2:08 AM, Halim Sahin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hmm HDTV with a matrox card????????
> >
> > What I mean is H264 video gets decoded by the extra horsepower of the
> > P4, matrox is used with software output device in vdr.
> >
> > Are you planning on buying an HD television set Klaus? Then ignore
> I already have one ;-)
> > what I had to say and throw out one your dvb-s cards.
> I don't want to lose the ability to record 3 DVB-S transponders
> in parallel, and I also need the DVB-T card.

It seems like you have two totally different options, depending on
whether you go for hardware or software decoding of HD content. If the
Reel HD card turns out to be a winner, then I'd suggest you buy a
board with the Intel 865PE chipset, lots of second hand options out
there. If you go for one with gigabit ethernet, you'll likely be
buying a top line board, well looked after and with sata ports, DDR400
support, good bios options for undervolting/clocking. 5 PCI slots and
an AGP slot to stick in a suitable card for installing an OS. Doubt
many will come with  on board video.

Of course if you go for software decoding you're in a different boat:
new RAM required; USB tuners or PCIe->PCI adaptor; new PSU?; most good
boards wouldn't have onboard video, so a need to buy a cheap PCIe
graphics card to install in gui mode.

I know what I'd go for...it's just a shame that hardware HD decoding
hasn't grown enough for there to be some competition and innovation.

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