Darren Salt skrev:
> I demand that Morfsta may or may not have top-posted AGAIN...
>> On Jan 21, 2008 4:06 PM, Darren Salt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> I demand that Morfsta may or may not have written...
>>>> Seems that there is a difference in versions somewhere. BUF_VIDEO_WVC1
>>>> is defined in xine-engine.h.
>>> I don't know where your xine-engine.h came from, but it's not xine-lib.
>> It was in the tar file that Per posted earlier of his xine-lib!
> I've not looked in that tarball, but I can say for certain that there is no
> header of that name in any xine-lib tarball which I've generated.
> [snip quoted .sigs]

That tar-ball included all the patches from coreavc, dvbn and walery. IIRC the 
difference is in the dvbn-patch.


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