So in an ideal world, it would be great to have a pci add-on card, that does
not only do assisting, but actually does all the features, so by sending the
compressed stream directly to board, and it does all the un-compressing and
uses its own internal memory (on board memory) to do movement of
uncompressed streams and doing additional post processing on the picture.
Similar to a FF-card but independent of DVB and can do *High 10 Profile

I know it is a pipe dream. So in a perfect world it would be nice to have
something like the following: pci board with a sigma 8635 chip for decoding
(o rsomething similar) and a S3 chip for post processing (or something
similar) onto one board with a s-video out, HDMI out, spdif out/audio out.
And can do 1920x1080 progressive scan PAL @ 25 or even 50 frames per second.
So that we can be ready for when BluRay hits the market (affordable). the
output can either be by using a X driver or frame buffer driver. Oh well the
wish list goes on :)

So the end user can then upgrade the output device when he/she can afford an
upgrade to a HD output device and of course don't forget all have Open
Source drivers hehe. Tomorrow I will wake up and realise the truth of it

To the future of open source!

On 23/04/2008, Martin Emrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> Theunis Potgieter schrieb:
> > So it appears there is no hope for my old machine with an AGP port, and
> > nvidia G-Force 4 MMX 440.
> I sit in a similar board (GF3 / GF2MX).
> > Looks like I will have to upgrade, but the craze
> > will have to settle first before I buy anything. I wonder why they don't
> > create add-on cards in PCI format? so that it will work on older
> machines? I
> > guess they want you to upgrade to keep on making money...
> I don't think a simple PCI card can handle the bandwidth. Think Full-HD
> PAL Video:
> 1920*1080*3 Byte/Pixel (RGB) * 25 FPS = 148MiB/s uncompressed RGB Data
> (For performance reasons one probably would even use 32bit/Pixel). The
> "classic" PCI Bus only does 133MB/s.
> > Isn't there a method to use OpenGL to assist HD decoding?
> AFAIK most of the current accelerators (AMD AVIVO, nVidia PureVideo,...)
> use the programmable shaders for decoding, scaling, colorspace
> translation, etc.
> Most of the newer AMD/ATI cards seem not to have a "traditional" backend
> scaler anymore (making it hard for opensource driver devs to implement
> XVideo as they now have to touch the 3D engine).
> Ciao
> Martin
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