On 04/27/08 12:49, Tero Siironen wrote:
> ...
> I don't know if this is same problem or not but I'm having similar 
> symptoms with one encrypted channel. With plain VDR 1.6.0 I cannot tune 
> to that channel, while 1.4.7 works. As can be seen from the log, the 
> receiving starts from couple of seconds but stops right after giving 
> this channel not available message. My system has DVB-C 2.1 FF card and 
> Satelco Easywatch budget card. All the other encrypted channels works 
> ok, but this one channel has problems with VDR 1.6.0.
> Here's the channels.conf entry:
> EuroNews;GlobeCast:306000:C0M128:C:6875:2221:2232=eng,2233=deu,2231=fra,2234=ita,2235=esl,2236=por,2237=rus,2238:768:B00:214:0:10:0
> and here's the syslog:
> Apr 27 13:31:53 localhost vdr: [10238] cTimeMs: using monotonic clock 
> (resolution is 999848 ns)
> Apr 27 13:31:53 localhost vdr: [10238] VDR version 1.6.0 started
> ...
> Apr 27 13:31:53 localhost vdr: [10251] CAM 1: module present
> ...
> Apr 27 13:31:55 localhost vdr: [10251] CAM 1: no module present
> Apr 27 13:31:55 localhost vdr: [10251] CAM 1: module present
> ...
> Apr 27 13:31:57 localhost vdr: [10251] CAM 1: no module present
> Apr 27 13:31:57 localhost vdr: [10251] CAM 1: module present
> ...
> Apr 27 13:31:59 localhost vdr: [10251] CAM 1: no module present
> Apr 27 13:31:59 localhost vdr: [10251] CAM 1: module present
> Apr 27 13:32:02 localhost vdr: [10251] CAM 1: module ready
> Apr 27 13:32:05 localhost vdr: [10251] CAM 1: Conax 4.00e, 01, 0B00, 04B1
> Apr 27 13:32:09 localhost vdr: [10251] CAM 1: doesn't reply to QUERY - 
> only a single channel can be decrypted
> ...
> Apr 27 13:33:32 localhost vdr: [10251] CAM 1: module reset
> Apr 27 13:33:32 localhost vdr: [10251] CAM 1: module present
> Apr 27 13:33:32 localhost vdr: [10238] switching to channel 1
> Apr 27 13:33:32 localhost vdr: [10238] CAM 1: unassigned
> ...
> Apr 27 13:33:33 localhost vdr: [10251] CAM 1: module ready
> Apr 27 13:33:36 localhost vdr: [10251] CAM 1: Conax 4.00e, 01, 0B00, 04B1
> Apr 27 13:33:41 localhost vdr: [10251] CAM 1: doesn't reply to QUERY - 
> only a single channel can be decrypted

Your CAM seems to "come and go".
Please try the 1.6.0-1 maintenance patch from


which increases the time between the CAM status checks.


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