Goga777 wrote:
>>>> I've seen lots of tutorials about VDR but one thing still isn't clear: 
>>>> can it or can it not have multiple clients watching different programs?
>>> I am using a central VDR system with 3 (or was it 4) DVB-S budget 
>>> cars. And watch TV around the house using either VLC as a client, 
>>> Xine, or the MediaMVP from Hauppauge (using the VOMPServer).
>>> No problem what so ever. Using it since 2006 iirc.
> which versions of the plugins and vdr do you use ?
> did someone try to stream HDTV channels ?

I tried Arte once, when it was still DVB-S and MPEG2. The client used 
VLC and it was working nicely.

I don't have DVB-S2 working right now (other priorities), and MPEG4 
did not work for me (and again, did not have a high prio for me).
Best regards

Peer Oliver Schmidt
PGP Key ID: 0x83E1C2EA

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