Mika Laitio a écrit :
> What I have now tried to search for is a fast booting client for my old 
> P700, that could boot automatically to X with dummy user and then launch 
> the vdr-xineliboutput.
> The ideal would be that once bios checks have been done, rest of the boot 
> would for getting X and vdr client running would take less than 30 seconds 
> from the bios checking,  but currently I am very far from that and I am 
> not sure what would be the best option for the client.
> 1) local harddisk for booting and launching X and vdr-sxfe
> 2) nfs mount from server for booting and launching X and vdr-sxfe
> 3) local harddisk booting X and connecting to server with XDMCP.
>     (would video and audio work over XDMCP from server?)
> 4) lpts5 where some apps would be run from server, while multimedia like
>     vdr-sxfe would be run from client harddisk
> What kind of solutions what boottimes you have for the clients?

 From kernel first log line in the syslog server (I guess timestamps are 
when rcS.d/ scripts start to run, ie. does not include kernel load time 
+ initrd), to LIRC accepting the VDR client (including a 5s sleep I had 
to add):
* 31s on the ML6000
* 16s on a Athlon 2200+
* 18s on the M10k

That's with a single NFS root filesystem and network boot (no local 
storage). It does not include kernel + initrd load time over the 
network, BIOS time, etc. It also does not include specific imrpovement, 
except "not install unneeded things".

The best timing would be from power-on to live-TV on the display.
BIOS + PXE (network boot) are ugly in this regard... Initrd is also 


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