On Sat, 29 Nov 2008, Luca Olivetti wrote:

> I'm now using the "Complete tables (thanks to bdb at digitalspy)" and
> deleted epg.data before starting vdr, but still most of the titles are
> "no title". Even those with a proper title (not many) have no
> additional details (i.e. there's just the title)

The patch logs in the syslog when it loads/fails to load the tables:

Loading table 1 Filename </etc/vdr/freesat.t1>
Loading table 2 Filename </etc/vdr/freesat.t2>
Cannot load </etc/vdr/freesat.t1> for table 1
Cannot load </etc/vdr/freesat.t2> for table 2

If the tables aren't loaded, then an empty title/description is returned 
and your logs will probably be spammed with:

Missing table 1/2 entry: <>



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